Beaconsfield's Nightmare On An Elm Street - On Friday The 13th - The Kids Will Not Make It To Halloween This Year...
Forty-eight hours after a nightmare, help is on the way...
Alas, it looks both inept and about as scary as the source of the problem!
A psychologist named Dragolub (of Bulgarian origin) suffering from a deep depression (and he was supposed to be of succor to those with psychological troubles...?) lost it completely on Friday the 13th and killed his wife and two daughters before attempting to take his own life as well... Dr. Tzokovitch is actually still alive, but in critical condition at the hospital. And now, the friends of the two little girls in 3rd grade are getting help - from three -you guessed it- psychologists!
Ironically, Gerald -one of the psys- looks like he has some deep psychological trouble himself... What exact use are these guys to a bunch of 3rd graders? I am not sure... The kids do not even grasp the notion of "death", "murder" or, much less, the "afterlife" - how can they suffer from it, really? Murder is for them the bashing their videogame character gets during a virtual bout - but, once it's *game over*, the character is back up again and ready to go right back at it! Death is so trivialized now that kids will think it is something we get better from - like the flu, eh? I am not even getting into the afterlife here, not this time, since even adults are dumber about it oftentimes... Imagine these people's kids... But I digress...
The moral of this story, to me, is that "alleged doctors" should not practice or even be given any leeway at all, just because they are, allegedly, "professionals"...
This guy here STUDIED PSYCHOLOGY! He had more than a good idea at what the mechanism of depression grinded a human mind - and yet, he let himself succumb as if he had been without a clue...! It boggles the mind indeed - could I be right about it after all; is psychology and psychiatry totally and completely USELESS?!?
It is - because 99% of alleged psychological and psychiatric ailments are really spiritual ailments... No clue what I mean by that? Ask around...
Dr. Trokovitch was defenseless before the onslaught of depression - he was prepared and yet he was at its mercy. And look what he wound up doing; he massacred his own flesh and blood and the woman he had professed to love forever.
If a psychologist can get this low, imagine what a certain acupuncturist who is seeing a psy regularly that I know from around here could possibly do...
Oh yeah - he has no family of his own to butcher - so, logically, he would take out the anguish on his "patients"...
Following, the original newsbrief, in its original language...

Triple meurtre à Beaconsfield - Les proches des victimes reçoivent de l'aide.
Plus de 48 heures après le triple meurtre survenu à Beaconsfield, on essaie maintenant de soutenir les proches des victimes.
Des mesures particulières ont été mises en place à la Commission scolaire Lester B. Pearson. (Beaconsfield, Qc.)
Trois psychologues sont notamment à l'école primaire que fréquentait la plus jeune victime, pour réconforter les élèves et répondre à leurs questions.
Les spécialistes devraient rester sur place pendant quelques jours.
Quant à l'auteur présumé du triple meurtre, il est toujours dans un état critique à l'hôpital.
Dragolub Tzokovitch, d'origine bulgare, aurait tenté de s'enlever la vie après avoir assassiné sa femme et ses deux filles.
Le psychologue de 41 ans était lui-même suivi par un professionnel de la santé mentale depuis plusieurs mois. (
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