A tale of two funerals...

Today, in the Montreal area, inside a Polish Church (at the request of her Polish grand-mother - the whole family bears the name of Anastasia's Portuguese grand-father so the wife had to have the last word, as wives usually do...) the gone-too-fast Anastasia De Sousa had her funeral ceremony - "a missa do corpo presente" as her ancestors on her grand-daddy's side would have said.
Six months ago, almost to the day, I personally arranged for the exact same thing - uma missa do corpo presente - for my saintly father. There were less people present for a variety of reasons, which are: I did not invite everyone. Some of those that I did invite lived too far away and could not make the trip, for HEALTH reasons too... I did not want certain people there - even though they were locals and could have been there in a heartbeat. (I didn't want them there in spirit, so... Forget about the heartbeat! The one I cared about had stopped on March 28th...)

My father was in an intensive care unit too, last March - because of a sudden turn for the worse in his health condition. I see some of the medical staff with the same eyes that many of Anastasia's friends and family might look at Kimveer Gill; yes, I see them as assassins too, only different types of assassins - for it is all legally done. They kill not with bullets but with pellets (they call them pills) either over or underadministered, sometimes given to the patient too early or too late, when they can no longer prevent the worst-case scenario from occurring... Different types, hence - same results. A doctor will kill far more than any Kimveer Gills ever will. And then, there are others I could blame for father's health taking such a turn for the worse - but I cannot prove it, so...
That would be the pits though - to seek out the same medical establishment I loathe in order to find evidence that father's health deteriorated because of outside factors... Other than their own poorly rendered medical treatments that is! Trading one scapegoat for another, especially via a temporary alliance with the one I can readily incriminate or, at least, blame already, is simply not my idea of "justice"... I will, therefore, leave it ALL in the hands of GOD.

The funerals then - both had, despite all the differences enumerated here, one striking thing in common: the rain. Anastasia's had many people coming who did not even know her -the media was there, her school's director (did the doctor come to my dad's funeral? No! The hospital's director? Ha! I would have not wanted them there either..)- and all who came, brought their umbrellas. Rain in a funeral seems appropriate - like the heavens are crying with us. But that is not it, at all.
The rain is nothing less than blessings - encouragement from the Most High for those who stay... And blessings for the soul that has departed too! Maybe even blessings from that soul as well, which is now in The Light and can, therefore, dispense these to his or her loved ones left behind. The rainbow that follows, as the sunshine, are reflective of God telling us that all is as He Planned - and everything will be all right. Reflective, too, that those who left us are with Him - in The Light! Both funerals saw the exact same thing happen - rain, more rain, heavy rain even, at the moment of the laying of the coffin into that six-foot deep hole in the ground... And then, as soon as the crowd has dispersed and it is all over and done with, the rain ceases, the skies clear and the sun shines in!
Anastasia is in a good place now (more than I can say for other people, also in Canada, somewhere, who bear her last name but have no relation at all to her - when THEY die...)
My father is in a good place too (likewise, I cannot vouch for all who bear his last name either - but I am hopeful he will put in a good word for me - please dad!)
And we, who remain, have to carry on now...
Keep their memory alive as we keep on working on our own gem in the rough, perfecting it... Those gems being OUR SOULS...
An interesting note was that they had a local publicity - for a banking service called Les Caisses Desjardins - and they had chosen to use different names from the community, to signify that all customers there are like the OWNERS of the financial institution...! The last name there, before it turns back to "Desjardins" was... De Sousa!
They had chosen the name BEFORE the tragic death of Anastasia De Sousa... They felt awkward with it now and changed it to "De Marco"... :(
The news remarked that there were "only 146 De Sousas in the (local) phone book" and that it "isn't a very common name" - maybe not HERE it isn't, but it is elsewhere! And in more places than just one! While here is the only place that they have odd names such as... Ah, let me think now... "Gagnon"? "Descomeaux"?!? "Monfette"!!! :-P
Heck... "Gill" too...
I guess that also means, for my own relatives who bear the name "De Sousa". that they can NEVER and WILL NEVER catch a big break and get fifteen minutes of fame - not even that!
Not even in Laval!
Famous for its palindromic name, being close to Montreal and... that's about it!
(Because the other stuff I could list would be INFAMY material - not good at all!)
Also, fate would have another odd twist to all this, as the funeral service for the KILLER, Kimveer Gill, was held ON THE VERY SAME DAY as Anastasia's tearful funeral...
But it was held indoors, as Gill was INCINERATED after a SIKH CEREMONY at the Sikh Temple of the "Greater Montreal" area...
All is as it should be,
I suppose...
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