Bertha Atkins - remembered all throughout the TLB Network!

Two years ago a couple of Wayne County Circuit Court juries found Larqueta Collier, 16, and Sharon Patterson, 17, guilty in the Sept. 17, 2003 death of Bertha Atkins, the defendant Collier's actual grandmother. Collier, incidentally, was also convicted of arson for setting fire to her 64-year-old grandmother's house, the Wayne County Prosecutor's Office had declared back in 2004...
Collier had said that after the killing, Patterson (pictured) convinced her to go see the movie "Jeepers Creepers" in order to "take their mind off of what had happened", reported a TV station that covered the lurid trial...
When old style morals and values clash with newfound liberal lifestyles, these sort of things can and will happen, nowadays...
Bertha Atkins - you are remembered.
While your grand-daughter and her lover have gotten what they wanted, in this recognized bastion of sapphism known as women's correctional facilities...
I must be selective though, unconsciously, in my lugubrious remembrances here, on this decidedly morbid and downbeat blog of mine...
I omitted to post something about the 5th anniversary of Aaliyah's untimely demise (her tiny overloaded personal plane had crashed just before the 9/11 planes started crashing all over the place...)
I omitted to remember the anniversary of the passing of Princess Diana too - while I posted twice about Princess Grace...
I forgot all about commemorating the same amount of time that has passed since the plane crash (another one - another tiny pleasence plane as well) death of one Marie-Soleil Tougas - a local celebrity that could have easily been my classmate as well... And, who knows... more? After all, a local buddy of mine once dated the eventual daring thespian Pascale Bussières... Then again, just like the recently murdered Anastasia De Sousa, it is not because they have perished in dramatic and tragic circumstances that they are automatically saintly souls overnight... Marie-Soleil was not one of the most heartless ones though, that is for sure - and the foundation that bears her name nowadays does some good - concretely.

What if scenarios are, though, always tantalizing... And so, one can wonder... Maybe if Tougas had taken to the things I like to do instead, she wouldn't have died that day, behind newbie pilot and film director Jean-Claude Lauzon, himself quite the lugubrious mind... This took place the same year - same summer even - as Lady Di's death... I remember mentioning then that, even in death, the "Quebec star-system" was upstaged by true celebrities...
That same year, of course, Mother Teresa passed away as well...
And I forgot to remember even her...!
Yet I remember Bertha Atkins here, today...
I dare to think that GOD Will do as I am mirroring His modus operandi here...
GOD Will remember and exalt those that the world knew not and never would, in a million years, beatify... However, GOD Knows better... :)
And, through Him and thanks to His Guidance - so do I! ;)
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