A Princess Drifted Into Sleep... She had but a month to live on this Earth on this date...

She was born on November 12, 1929 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
She would cross over to the other side on September 14, 1982 in Monacoville, Monaco. (Due to injuries suffered in a road accident, following a stroke)
As it is related in this newsbrief:
Princess Grace died of injuries sustained in an automobile accident. She and her daughter Stephanie were driving on a winding road at Cap-d'Ail in the Côte d'Azur region of France when Princess Grace suffered a stroke and lost control of the car, which plunged down a 45-foot (13.7-metre) embankment. This was on September 14, 1982.
The spot where she fatally lost control is said to be the same spot where the picnic scene in To Catch a Thief was filmed in 1954.
To Catch A Thief was one of the most famous films she had done in her short-lived career which totalled only... 13 films. (There's that number, again)
Her movies are banned in Monaco by order of Prince Rainier (who passed away himself recently, right around the time Prince Charles got wed to Camilla Parker-Bowles. Charles used that as an excuse not to attend Rainier's funeral... Condolences to both Rainier's heirs and Charles.)

The inscription at her burial site in Monaco's cathedral does not refer to her as a princess. It uses the title "uxor principis" (prince's wife), which is traditional in the House of Grimaldi.
She is interred at the Cathedral of St. Nicholas, Monte Carlo, Monaco.
Chosen by Empire magazine as one of the 100 Sexiest Stars in film history (#5). [1995]
Ranked #51 in Empire (UK) magazine's "The Top 100 Movie Stars of All Time" list. [October 1997]
Grace Kelly had hoped "to return to acting in Alfred Hitchcock's Marnie (1964), but the people of Monaco didn't want their princess playing a thief and romancing Sean Connery."

It has emerged that Princess Stephanie will receive only one percent of the late monarch's estate.
Prince Rainier's will stipulates that his two eldest children, Albert and Caroline, are to be allocated around £950 million each, while Stephanie, who is known for her turbulent love life, receives a relatively modest £17 million.
(Source: various news agencies - © 2004 by the appropriate owners of the included material)
Such is the price to pay for some grivoiseries... Grace had never approved of her younger daughter's escapades - and neither did Stephanie's father, obviously...
In 1993, the USA and Monaco simultaneously released a commemorative postage stamp honoring her. However, USA federal law forbids postage stamps depicting foreign heads of state, so the USA stamp listed her as "Grace Kelly", while the Monaco stamp listed her as "Princess Grace".
Note on the side of synchronicity: Grace Kelly was born one glorious morning at 5:31AM EST - while Prince Rainier died on a morning too, at 5:35AM - British time.
Rainier always made me think of a racketeer, out to make his racket - all of Monaco, which is no larger than New York's Central Park indeed - work and work big. His passing resemblance with the late, great Sir Alec Guinness did not make me think of the royal couple of Monaco as a real-life version of the hypothetical couple that would be formed had Obi-Wan gotten lucky with Princess Amidala...! That would have been anticipatory transplantation anyway, back in 1980... One only had Ben Kenobi and Princess Leia to go on back then! But I digress...
Grace Kelly was Rainier's second choice, to boot - he had had his eye on Marilyn Monroe first (she really would have attracted the tourists, yes) but ultimately decided that she was not "princess material" (or is that "prince's wife material", due to House of Grimaldi rules?)
There is a weirdo columnist up in Québec, Canada named Francine Grimaldi (sort of a mix of her predecessors and better-known pundits in her field; 25% Louella Parks, 25% Hedda Hopper and 50% Joan Rivers!) - I gather that Francine did not get 0.00000000000000000000001% out of the House of Grimaldi inheritance...
The poor man's royal couple *de remplacement* here, that could rival with "Grace Kelly & spouse" (could have been any spouse, almost) would indeed be Charles and Camilla (ugh!) - even Lady Di never came close to Grace though. Grace had tried to counsel Diana Spencer back in 1980... The advice must have been forgotten over time...
The truly poor man's replacement royal couple would be anything Hollywood has to offer. Only it has to be replaced again and again because couples don't last much in Tinseltown... Reese Witherspoon and her boytoy... Guy Ritchie and his Mad Donna... Who else is there again? One couple that NEVER came close to such status, even temporarily, was that which was briefly formed by Victoria Tennant (though blonde and a thespian who's made more than 13 movies - she is no Grace Kelly and never could have been, even in her prime. When it came time to cast Grace in her "biopic", she was never considered for a second and the role went to former Charlie's Angel Cheryl Ladd. But, I know, I am digressing...) thus, V.T. and... S.M. (yikes - sounds like early Anne Rice material to me!) - Steve Martin.
Fact is, if, on this date, a Princess' dream died, one could say that something else -but of second importance- died on this date as well. I would dare theorize that CLASSIC COMEDY (the way it should be and should have always remained) died on this date as well - with the birth of one Steve Martin! He is, at best, a replacement W.C. Fields nowadays - and that is too much credit right there already! (Too bad Fields lost his time working with Mae West when he could have shared some screentime with forerunners of Grace Kelly, if not Kelly herself... But that is another story.)
Strike one: he was born at the end of the worst conflict of all-time (so far) - in 1945. Which means that he was conceived during it (could Adolf be the father?)
Strike two: he was born in Waco, Texas. (My, he's the true Waco Whacko - not the other guy at all...)
Strike three: your pick - either his comedic style or his Clouseau & Bilko.
I apologize to end on such a note a moving tribute to The Princess...
Grace Kelly made all of those blonde jokes LIES...
Stevey there makes them all TRUE.
He lives - she has been gone since 1982.
Almost 25 years without such an angel - tis true that Heaven calls up the best ones first. And we are left behind with the (dirty) rotten (scoundrel) apples...
See you all next year on this date (or rather September 14th) - right here - to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the departure for a better plane of existence of one Princess Grace Kelly of Monaco and Philly...
Nota Bene: no thanks to the confused folks at Twisted History who, once again, got their dates wrong and led me to post this A MONTH TOO SOON... Oh well - it led to the distasteful but well-merited (for Martin) link between the demise of a princess and the birth of a hack! All in all, equal things in the Grand Scheme of Things - equally as deplorable.
Prince Rainier of Monaco has died in hospital this morning. Monaco was immediately plunged into mourning and its famed casino closed its doors when the death was announced.
Prince Albert, his son and heir, was at his side.
The 81-year-old had suffered heart and kidney failure a fortnight ago, following a long period of ill health. He had been in intensive care since March 22.
Rainier's body was transferred from the hospital back to his hilltop palace shortly after his death and will lie in state in the palace's Palatine Chapel so Monegasques can pay their respects, said an official.
There was no immediate official word on funeral arrangements. Rainier was expected to be buried alongside Princess Grace at the 19th-century Monaco Cathedral, where they wed on April 18, 1956.
Beside her tomb is an empty slab of marble waiting to be engraved with the prince's name. Tributes flooded in from European leaders and politicians who praised Rainier - who had been Europe's longest-serving monarch - as a reformist prince.
A palace statement said Rainier died "as a result of the broncho-pulmonary, heart and kidney conditions that caused his hospitalisation.'' Rainier had in been hospital since March 7.
Flags, already lowered out of respect for Pope John Paul, remained at half-staff. The two Monaco-based TV networks immediately interrupted programming with documentaries on Rainier's life and reactions to his death.
Part of the super-rich Grimaldi dynasty, the prince famously romanced Hollywood star Grace Kelly when she was filming on the Med - and married her in 1956.
She died in a car crash in 1982.
Prince Rainier was Europe's longest-serving monarch. Monaco's royal palace said he died at 5.35am British time.
His death came nearly a full month after he was first admitted with a lung infection to a heart and chest clinic that overlooks Monaco's glittering, yacht-filled harbour.
Rainier's doctors called Albert a little before 6am local time to tell him that the end was near, the palace said.
The Prince's romance with Grace Kelly captivated the world. They met in 1955 when she was the 25-year-old star attraction of the Cannes Film Festival.
Their marriage in 1956 put Monaco on the world stage. He never remarried after her death in a car accident in 1982.
Albert, their only son, succeeds Rainier as Monaco's de facto ruler until a formal investiture ceremony expected after a mourning period.
Albert had already taken over the royal powers - but not the throne - from his father last week after a royal commission decided that Rainier was too sick to rule.
The 47-year-old Albert, groomed for decades to succeed his straight-laced father, is well travelled, multilingual and a five-time bobsledding Olympian.
In recent years he has been Monaco's top ambassador. A confirmed bachelor raised in the spotlight, he also has been seen as a sometimes reluctant heir.
Albert inherits a principality world-renowned for its casino and the annual Monte Carlo Grand Prix, but also eager to promote itself as a diversified, modern economy.
Monaco, no larger than New York's Central Park, is nestled on the Mediterranean Coast between Italy and the French Riviera.
After assuming the throne in 1949, Rainier embarked on five decades of relentless expansion.
Using landfill from the sea, Monaco increased its territory by 20 per cent.
Affectionately known as the "builder prince" Rainier oversaw the building of a whole new port, an artificial beach, a sparkling culture centre and an underground railway station.
A new breakwater was built to allow large yachts and cruise liners to dock in the main harbour.
Rainier's energies flagged with advancing age and illness.
The leader of one of Europe's longest-ruling royal families, the Grimaldis, Rainier suffered recurring health problems in recent years.
The silver-haired, portly prince underwent heart surgery in 1999.
In 2000, he had two operations including a nodule removed from a lung and was taken to hospital in 2002 for fatigue and bronchitis.
Recurrent chest infections put him in the hospital on numerous occasions thereafter.
Monaco has worked to overcome its image as a "shady place for shady people".
It came under fire in 2000, and its relationship with Paris came under strain, when a series of French official reports criticised its culture of banking secrecy and portrayed the principality as a haven for drug barons, money-launderers and tax dodgers.
Since then, however, Monaco has improved judicial co-operation and introduced comprehensive controls on dirty money, according to the global Financial Action Task Force on money-laundering and terrorist financing.
BACK TO 1982
Grace Kelly was born on November 12, 1929, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She was born into a rich Irish Catholic family in Philadelphia (her uncle was the playwright George Kelly) and attended private schools before enrolling in the American Academy of Dramatic Art in New York City in 1947. She made her professional debut in summer stock in July 1949 and her Broadway debut in November 1949. She also appeared frequently on television.
During her six-year (1951-56) heyday in Hollywood, she appeared in such films as Fourteen Hours (1951), in which she made her screen debut; High Noon (1952), as Gary Cooper's Quaker wife; Mogambo (1953); and The Country Girl (1954), for which she won an Academy Award for best actress as Bing Crosby's dowdy wife. But perhaps her most memorable roles were in such Alfred Hitchcock films as Dial M for Murder (1954), Rear Window (1954), and To Catch a Thief (1955). Kelly was the perfect Hitchcock heroine and had what he described as "sexual elegance."
After making The Swan (1956) and High Society (1956), she married Prince Rainier and became princess of Monaco. The couple had three children--Princess Caroline, Prince Albert, and Princess Stephanie--and remained devoted to each other and their family.
Princess Grace died of injuries sustained in an automobile accident. She and her daughter Stephanie were driving on a winding road at Cap-d'Ail in the Côte d'Azur region of France when Princess Grace suffered a stroke and lost control of the car, which plunged down a 45-foot (13.7-metre) embankment. This was on September 14, 1982.
The spot where she fatally lost control is said to be the same spot where the picnic scene in To Catch a Thief was filmed in 1954.
Birth name
Grace Patricia Kelly
5' 7" (1.70 m)
Prince Rainier of Monaco (19 April 1956 - 14 September 1982) (her death) 3 children
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