"Death is a challenge. It tells us not to waste time... It tells us to tell each other right now that we love each other."
- Unknown
the lugubrious blog: October 2006

Sunday, October 22, 2006



Seven months ago, to the day...
I witnessed a departure
A rebirth
The end of a terrestrial journey
And the true beginning of Life
Life Eternal
Though a separation - and painful beyond description - it is a source of joy too
For it is abundantly clear that I have an insider now
in the Kingdom of the Lord
Someone on the inside, at long last...
The only networking anyone will ever need.
And I have got it.

One more reason for my queer quarries (queer in the original sense of the adjective) to be mortified with jealousy of me...

Death will not be kind to you, quarries of mine...

Monday, October 16, 2006

Deaths do come in threes - Ann, Bobby & Freddy - none of these three could fend death any longer...


Sep 14, 2006 2:52 pm US/Central

Funeral Set For Former Governor Ann Richards
(AP) AUSTIN Former Texas Gov. Ann Richards, the witty and flamboyant Democrat who went from homemaker to national political celebrity, died Wednesday night at her home surrounded by her family after a battle with cancer, a family spokeswoman said. She was 73.

Texan singer Freddy Fender dies
14/10/2006 5:18:46 PM

American singer Freddy Fender, best known for his 1975 smash hit Before the Next Teardrop Falls, died Saturday, October 14th 2006, in his home in Texas. He was, in his own words, "one away from 70" - but lung cancer didn't let him get further than that...

Musique country

Décès de Bobby Hachey

Bobby Hachey was Quebec's Johnny Cash, pretty much. His wife and son had died before him - and now, at 74, he joins them.

More details - in the funeste comments section.


Sunday, October 15, 2006

Beaconsfield's Nightmare On An Elm Street - On Friday The 13th - The Kids Will Not Make It To Halloween This Year...

Forty-eight hours after a nightmare, help is on the way...
Alas, it looks both inept and about as scary as the source of the problem!
A psychologist named Dragolub (of Bulgarian origin) suffering from a deep depression (and he was supposed to be of succor to those with psychological troubles...?) lost it completely on Friday the 13th and killed his wife and two daughters before attempting to take his own life as well... Dr. Tzokovitch is actually still alive, but in critical condition at the hospital. And now, the friends of the two little girls in 3rd grade are getting help - from three -you guessed it- psychologists!

Ironically, Gerald -one of the psys- looks like he has some deep psychological trouble himself... What exact use are these guys to a bunch of 3rd graders? I am not sure... The kids do not even grasp the notion of "death", "murder" or, much less, the "afterlife" - how can they suffer from it, really? Murder is for them the bashing their videogame character gets during a virtual bout - but, once it's *game over*, the character is back up again and ready to go right back at it! Death is so trivialized now that kids will think it is something we get better from - like the flu, eh? I am not even getting into the afterlife here, not this time, since even adults are dumber about it oftentimes... Imagine these people's kids... But I digress...

The moral of this story, to me, is that "alleged doctors" should not practice or even be given any leeway at all, just because they are, allegedly, "professionals"...
This guy here STUDIED PSYCHOLOGY! He had more than a good idea at what the mechanism of depression grinded a human mind - and yet, he let himself succumb as if he had been without a clue...! It boggles the mind indeed - could I be right about it after all; is psychology and psychiatry totally and completely USELESS?!?
It is - because 99% of alleged psychological and psychiatric ailments are really spiritual ailments... No clue what I mean by that? Ask around...

Dr. Trokovitch was defenseless before the onslaught of depression - he was prepared and yet he was at its mercy. And look what he wound up doing; he massacred his own flesh and blood and the woman he had professed to love forever.

If a psychologist can get this low, imagine what a certain acupuncturist who is seeing a psy regularly that I know from around here could possibly do...
Oh yeah - he has no family of his own to butcher - so, logically, he would take out the anguish on his "patients"...

Following, the original newsbrief, in its original language...

Triple meurtre à Beaconsfield - Les proches des victimes reçoivent de l'aide.
Plus de 48 heures après le triple meurtre survenu à Beaconsfield, on essaie maintenant de soutenir les proches des victimes.
Des mesures particulières ont été mises en place à la Commission scolaire Lester B. Pearson. (Beaconsfield, Qc.)
Trois psychologues sont notamment à l'école primaire que fréquentait la plus jeune victime, pour réconforter les élèves et répondre à leurs questions.
Les spécialistes devraient rester sur place pendant quelques jours.
Quant à l'auteur présumé du triple meurtre, il est toujours dans un état critique à l'hôpital.
Dragolub Tzokovitch, d'origine bulgare, aurait tenté de s'enlever la vie après avoir assassiné sa femme et ses deux filles.
Le psychologue de 41 ans était lui-même suivi par un professionnel de la santé mentale depuis plusieurs mois. (TVA.canoe.com)

Saturday, October 14, 2006

We'll carry on... (We have no choice but to do so...)

Friday, October 13, 2006

Friday The 13th today... A fave. On daze(s) like these,
I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all...

Raminder Dhadda, 24, died after being struck by a van in the Kensington neighbourhood on New Year's Eve 2005.
(CBC News)
On this day, she was vindicated - her foolish murderer was convicted of manslaughter.
Somewhere, the King of Kensington is smiling too...
(Yes, I do mean Al Waxman, the actor, also dead for a while now...)
~ ... ~

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

A Yankee Who Used To Be A Red - A Plane - And An Overpriced Condominium Building


(AP Photo/Ara E. Chekmayan, Tactical News Service)

They must have thought that 9/11 was happening - again.
On... 10/11.
But it was not the case at all.
It was, instead, one of the fallen Yankees...
This time, falling from the sky - and it was fatal.
Former Cincinnati Reds pitcher, former Philadelphia Phillie and current New York Yankee, Cory Lidle was looking forward to testing free agency for next season.
Now, it is assured that he will not don the Yankees pinstripes next year.
He will not don any uniform ever again - he is in a better world now.
Not to say that he will never play baseball again though...
They never do stop playing ball, in the Field of Dreams...

He had been quoted recently, to boot, saying that piloting a small aircraft was very safe (I paraphrase) ...
His small plane crashed into a fifty-story condominium high-rise that is home to several well-to-do high-brow New Yorkers - heck, some of the condos there go for MORE than a million bucks on today's insane real estate market...
His unfortunate crash into this building cost the life of just one of the high-browed ones - somehow...
I guess they were all out at the time of the tragic accident - out socializing with the jet set and the moronic (both could describe the likes of Paris Hilton and her entourage... But I digress...)

At least three million dollars are gone up in flames - since three apartments were touched...

There are many in New York still that value real estate and money more than people's lives, you know...
Some people never learn - not even with 9/11...
But I digress...
People's thoughts and prayers should rather go out to his family and his fans, especially his 6 year-old son, Christopher, who will never know his dad better now. Our thoughts and prayers must also go out to the family of Tyler Stanger, Lidle's flight instructor, who was also on that tiny plane and was the second one to perish, it turns out. It wasn't any rich stiff from the high-rise that died after all, we've found out in the days following this strange and even a bit surreal accident...
Manhattan will not let this deface it for long, I am sure. Bristling cities bustle with life even amidst tragedies - funny though that the old classic Diane Tell song comes to MY mind at this time... "Manhattan Monotone"...

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Anna Politkovskaya - Murdered in Moscow Elevator - In Own Apartment Building...

Some truths are better not dispensed, they say...
("They" being usually those who have things to hide...

Of course...)

The Epitome of Honest Journalism has been silenced once and for all - authorities will breathe easier for a while, until the next Anna gets on their case that is...
(One thing's for sure, judging by their actions, they don't mind the bad reputation they might have all over the globe - AT ALL...)

More than any other Russian reporter, Anna Politkovskaya had chronicled killings, tortures and beatings of civilians by Russian servicemen -- reports that put her on a collision course with the authorities.

The first attempt on her life was more subtle - poisoning.
Politkovskaya fell seriously ill with symptoms of food poisoning after drinking tea on a flight from Moscow to southern Russia during the school hostage crisis in Beslan in 2004, where many thought she was heading to mediated the crisis. Her colleagues had suggested the incident was an attempt on her life.

She was one of the few people to have entered the Moscow theater where Chechen militants took hundreds of hostages in October 2002 and try to negotiate with the rebels.

Her body was found in an elevator in her Moscow apartment building, a duty officer at a police station in central Moscow told The Associated Press. Dmitry Muratov, editor of the Novaya Gazeta newspaper, where Politkovskaya worked, told Ekho Moskvy radio that she was killed in the late afternoon.

The Interfax news agency, citing police officials, reported that Politkovskaya had been shot and that a pistol and four bullets were found in the elevator.
Politkovskaya's death was the highest profile killing of a journalist in Russia since the July 2004 slaying of Paul Klebnikov, editor of the Russian edition of Forbes magazine.

© 2006 VNU eMedia Inc

Her untimely and violent demise has been reported all over the news worldwide - Russia's rep is right back at what it used to be, I'd say - back in the U.S.S.R (days). Billy Joel must be the only one happy about this - his song is no longer invalidated by the years, socio-political context and "times achangin"...
Nothing ever really changes...

Prominent Russian Investigative Journalist Shot Dead
MOSCOW A Russian journalist known for her critical coverage of the war in Chechnya
was shot to death on Saturday, her body discovered in an elevator in her ...
New Window - Similar Sites - Archived

(Russian Journalist) Anna Politkovskaya Murdered in Moscow ... source reported
to Interfax that a neighbor of the journalist found her body in the elevator. ...
New Window - Similar Sites - Archived

Xinhua - English
Russian famous journalist murdered ... Anna Politkovskaya's body was found in an
elevator in an apartment building in the Lesnaya Street. ...
New Window - Similar Sites - Archived

Prominent Russian journalist murdered - World - theage.com.au
Anna Politkovskaya's body was found in an elevator in an apartment building ...
-russian-journalist-murdered/2006/10/08/1159641584444.html theage.com.au AAP ...
New Window - Similar Sites - Archived

Even if they silence all the Anna Politkovskayas of the world, the truth will always rise to the surface - sooner or later, it will.

now -
you still can...

  1. Hello (Evanescence)
  2. Empty Room (Marjorie Fair)
  3. Thriller (Michael Jackson)
  4. Zombies (Trailer) (Game Trailers)
  5. This Ain'T Living (Mo Thugs)
  6. Dark Is The Night (A-Ha)
  7. Keep It Dark (Genesis)
  8. Dark Age: Darkness Rising (Trailer) (Game Trailers)
  9. Dark Age Of Camelot (Trailer) (Game Trailers)
  10. Darkness, Darkness (Robert Plant)
  11. Heaven Knows (Robert Plant)
  12. Darkstalkers Psp (Trailer) (Game Trailers)
  13. Black Hole Sun (The Moog Cookbook)
  14. Blow Up The Outside World (Soundgarden)
  15. Awful (Hole)
  16. Last Train To Lhasa (Banco De Gaia)
  17. Mary Jane'S Last Dance (Tom Petty)
  18. I Miss You (Blink 182)
  19. Bark At The Moon (Ozzy Osbourne)
  20. Dreamer (Behind The Scenes) (Ozzy Osbourne)
  21. Last Night On Earth (U2)
  22. One Last Breath (Creed)
  23. Live And Let Die (Guns N' Roses)
  24. Live And Let Die (Paul Mccartney)
  25. Live And Let Die (Live At Mtv Awards) (Guns N' Roses)
  26. Die Another Day (Madonna)
  27. Died In Your Arms (Cutting Crew)
  28. Kiss Of Death (Voice In Time)
  29. Epro (Beck)
  30. Living Dead Girl (Rob Zombie)
  31. Dragular (Live On Merry Mayhem Tour) (Rob Zombie)
  32. Never Gonna Stop (Rob Zombie)
  33. King Of The Jailhouse (Aimee Mann)
  34. Strength To Endure (The Ramones)
  35. Myst V: End Of Ages (E3 2k5 Trailer) (Game Trailers)
  36. Hollywood Ending (Hayden)
  37. In The End (Linkin Park)
  38. The End Has No End (The Strokes)
  39. Over (Lindsay Lohan)
  40. Feel (Robbie Williams)
  41. Hurt (Johnny Cash)
  42. Train Of Thought (A-Ha)
  43. Hello The End (Alex Lloyd)
  44. Soul Meets Body (Death Cab For Cutie)
  45. Blood And Oranges (Viva Death)
  46. My Heart Will Go On (Love Theme From &Quot;Titanic&Quot;) (Celine Dion)
  47. I Am Alive (Stuart Little 2) (Celine Dion)
  48. Ghosts (Michael Jackson)
  49. Ghosts (Kerri Anderson)
  50. 13 Ghosts (Marshmallow Overcoat)
  51. Ghosts Along The Mississippi (Down)
  52. I Think Im A Clone Now (Evangelion)
  53. Going Under (Evanescence)
  54. Bring Me To Life (Evanescence)
  55. My Immortal (Evanescence)
  56. Say Anything (Aimee Mann)
  57. I Should'Ve Known (Aimee Mann)
  58. Stupid Thing (Aimee Mann)
  59. Funeral Song (The Rasmus)
  60. Buried Myself Alive (The Used)
  61. Haunted (Evanescence)
  62. The Funeral Of Hearts (H.I.M.)
  63. Wie Weit (Apocalyptica)
  64. The World Is Not Enough (Garbage)
  65. Life Burns (Ft. Lauri Ylonen) (Apocalyptica)
  66. Ride The Wings Of Pestilence (From First To Last)
  67. Bittersweet (Ft.Lauri Ylonen &Amp; Ville Valo) (Apocalyptica)
  68. Bittersweet Symphony (The Verve)
  69. Lost Boys (69 Eyes)
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"Si tu veux pouvoir supporter la vie, sois prêt à accepter la mort!"
- Anonyme

One more death from the world of publicity...

Forget about finding that perfect purse that matches your shoes, ladies;
or that perfect bow tie that will go with the tuxedo, boys ~
think about finding your fate - and faith - instead!

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Until *The Day* Comes... Souls Will Depart...
While We Remain ~ In This Mad World
This Doomed World
As long as we remain on this earth, though, we must keep communicating...
...and communing with one another - until the day we do so ~ on The Other Side

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