Last Dance - Last Call - Last Everything

The last call here is of a photo shoot order - Norma Jean's last photo shoot. She was 36 years old and looked to finally have found herself; she had found stability and inner peace, at long last. Weeks later, she was found dead.
They say that we are all born equal -
and there are some who will say that is not the case.
None will ever refute this though:
we are all equal before the Grim Reaper.
- L.P. 2008

No, it is the final awakening.
~~ Walter Scott
Videos, in order or "playability" (depending upon availability though...):
by Tom Petty
(Tom is very convincing as a necrophiliac hooked on a looks-to-be-dead-but-could-be-alive Kim Basinger...)
with music by Des'Ree
(The track titled "Kissing You").
The photo shoot in question took place a mere few weeks before her untimely death. George Barris was the photographer. The B&W pictures reflect more the allure of one Norma Jean rather than the glitzy image of "Marilyn Monroe - movie star" - such is the opinion of 'lauracrazygirl' who posted this originally on
next we have...
by Jacques Brel
(This classic song was the basis for the lone hit by Terry Jacks, "Seasons In The Sun", which was much tamer than the original. Here are the lyrics:
Adieu l'Émile je t'aimais bien
Adieu l'Émile je t'aimais bien tu sais
On a chanté les mêmes vins
On a chanté les mêmes filles
On a chanté les mêmes chagrins
Adieu l'Émile je vais mourir
C'est dur de mourir au printemps tu sais
Mais je pars aux fleurs la paix dans l'âme
Car vu que tu es bon comme du pain blanc
Je sais que tu prendras soin de ma femme
Je veux qu'on rie
Je veux qu'on danse
Je veux qu'on s'amuse comme des fous
Je veux qu'on rie
Je veux qu'on danse
Quand c'est qu'on me mettra dans le trou
Adieu Curé je t'aimais bien
Adieu Curé je t'aimais bien tu sais
On n'était pas du même bord
On n'était pas du même chemin
Mais on cherchait le même port
Adieu Curé je vais mourir
C'est dur de mourir au printemps tu sais
Mais je pars aux fleurs la paix dans l'âme
Car vu que tu étais son confident
Je sais que tu prendras soin de ma femme
Je veux qu'on rie
Je veux qu'on danse
Je veux qu'on s'amuse comme des fous
Je veux qu'on rie
Je veux qu'on danse
Quand c'est qu'on me mettra dans le trou
Adieu l'Antoine je t'aimais pas bien
Adieu l'Antoine je t'aimais pas bien tu sais
J'en crève de crever aujourd'hui
Alors que toi tu es bien vivant
Et même plus solide que l'ennui
Adieu l'Antoine je vais mourir
C'est dur de mourir au printemps tu sais
Mais je pars aux fleurs la paix dans l'âme
Car vu que tu étais son amant
Je sais que tu prendras soin de ma femme
Je veux qu'on rie
Je veux qu'on danse
Je veux qu'on s'amuse comme des fous
Je veux qu'on rie
Je veux qu'on danse
Quand c'est qu'on me mettra dans le trou
Adieu ma femme je t'aimais bien
Adieu ma femme je t'aimais bien tu sais
Mais je prends le train pour le Bon Dieu
Je prends le train qui est avant le tien
Mais on prend tous le train qu'on peut
Adieu ma femme je vais mourir
C'est dur de mourir au printemps tu sais
Mais je pars aux fleurs les yeux fermés ma femme
Car vu que je les ai fermés souvent
Je sais que tu prendras soin de mon âme
Je veux qu'on rie
Je veux qu'on danse
Je veux qu'on s'amuse comme des fous
Je veux qu'on rie
Je veux qu'on danse
Quand c'est qu'on me mettra dans le trou
There never will be another Jacques Brel - who did pass away in the spring... of his life.
It was the autumn for the rest of the world...
There will never be another Brel - sorry, Jean Leloup/Leclerc... Sorry true heir apparent: Daniel Bélanger.)
and finally we have...
by Dumas
(A bittersweet song - with an up-tempo beat and lyrics that sure do bite!
I actually love both, especially the lyrics which I slightly modify below:
Au gré des saisons
Tu verras
(Tôt ou Tard)
(Tôt ou Tard)
La Vie nous prends
La Vie nous jette
(Tôt ou Tard)
(Tôt ou Tard)
Just repeat that, ad infinitum, and you'll be fine! ;)
Beautiful - thanks for sharing!
Aye - you are going to die.
We all are.
Now that we're reassured, Lara, MP3, MP4, OP6, LG2, R2D2, C3PO and everyone else - let's all sit down and watch a movie, eh:
- a Warner Bros release.
"We're gonna die! We're gonna die!" Far be it from me to contradict that sober advice. We wonder, though, whether we're going to die in bed (preferably with someone who looks like Ryan Gosling or Rachel McAdams) or by violence. One philosopher, a Mr. Gary Gutting, deals with the question of death in a New York Times column August 10th called "Trying to Live Forever," in which he concludes, "When all is said and done, how we die is a crap-shoot, and, short of avoiding obvious risks such as smoking and poor diet, there's little we can do to load the dice."
For a review of this one, written for the Arizona Reporter by Harvey Karten, click here
Update 2008!
(More like 2011 - but I went for the rhyme, okay? Sue me, willya?)
Given that the only things that did die so far here are both musical playlists that were providing a suitable contextual as ambient and surreal soundtrack (courtesy of the ultimately extremely unreliable providers called DEEZER and MYPLAYLIST.COM - and I won't even get into the problems VideoCodeZone obviously has!) I've gone ahead and found something else to replace it all... Something that will not play automatically either (happy?)
And so, I've replaced the top video in this post (from the also frequently unreliable YouTube) with a NEW PLAYLIST containing no less than 84 VIDEOS - MINIMUM! Some may go by the wayside, some may be deleted in time, but I do believe that THIS TIME we have found a permanent solution that shall indeed outlive us all here...!
Right, Lara, MP3, MP4, OP6, LG2, R2D2, C3PO and everyone else...?
Sempre Por O Melhor
Did I say... type, really... did I dare type... 2008 just now? (In the previous comment, granted.)
Well, lo and behold, on this very site here, thanks to the wonders of GoogleAds, this came to the attention of one and all almost simultaneously:
2008 - God's Final Witness
The year 2008 marked the last of God’s warnings to mankind and the beginning in a countdown of the final three and one-half years of man’s self-rule that will end by May 27, 2012.
On December 14, 2008, the First Trumpet of the Seventh Seal of the Book of Revelation sounded, which announced the beginning collapse of the economy of the United States and great destruction that will follow. The next three trumpets will result in the total collapse of the United States, and once the Fifth Trumpet sounds the world will be thrust into WW III.
The Seven Trumpets of the Seventh Seal, as well as the Seven Thunders of the Book of Revelation (which the apostle John saw but was restricted from recording) are revealed in this book.
So many questions arise from the mere passage excerpted here above...
Final Witness? I never knew they were an endangered species, the Jehovah's Witnesses...?
May 27, 2012...? Even the Mayans gave us, quite arbitrarily too, a little more than that...
The First Trumpet has sounded already - in 2008? Am I the only one who didn't hear it? Does that mean I am not getting raptured? Noooooooo...!
And why would the "total collapse" of the United States plummet the world right into the horrors of World War III...? The rest of the world will be only happy for it - there will be parties, joy, anti-Americanism festivals... Oh, and they might fight it out to know who's the new number one in the world then, eh? Hmm...
Finally, the most burning question... what book is this promoting, exactly? No, not one of mine: rather one of these...
What? That was not the most burning question? Then tell me what it is...
UPDATE.... 98!
Or just number eight, as it is...
And why not pour some (more) salt on the open wound(s) now - yes, this is for all the wounded saps that wished me to be dead --- eons ago!!!
But that's another story...
I stopped by here, today... well, to update the blog, as I do once in a while, whenever the latest departure from this world that I have heard of is too... gripping. Too much so not to spotlight it here, y'know?
I also intended to, anyway - as this blog's and the whole TLB Prime Network in fact is celebrating an anniversary, this year of Our Lord twenty twenty-four...
I got to re-read what I had previously added here - not just the actual content but, more specifically, as comments...
Boy, was I a hoot, years ago, here and all across the TLB PRIME NETWORK - HUH?
And I continue to be!
For that is the spirit of things - and the luminous way to approach your imminent {?} departure from this world indeed - not in fear but IN JOY... with levity, if you can... with verve, too!
And so that playlist at the top here - the one that starts with COSMOS now - the theme for the TV show, yes, composed by the late, great Vangelis who has, himself, gone on to explore that cosmos now - how fitting, eh... THAT PLAYLIST has expanded in time, as it should. Like the universe is supposed to be, also... Some videos have indeed gone away - as predicted... But that playlist will live on - as this blog, hopefully?
As will my soul - all of our souls!
And we will soar that COSMOS after that - as is Vangelis right this instant as we... blog!
But not all that often anymore... no.
That is another story, too.
For another blog ~ maybe!
DON'T FEAR THE REAPER *is* on that playlist, too!!! In spite of YouTube's best efforts to make it not so...
Nor does Michael J. Fox -
star of that Frighteners movie...?
But that is another story ~ sic
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