20 Years Ago, They Reunited For One Last Tour. Then, They Were Gone, One By One... Now They Are Reunited - In The Afterlife

This file photo shows, left to right, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr., Peter Lawford and Joey Bishop, who starred in the 1960 Warner Brothers' movie, "Ocean's Eleven."
The Rat Pack is now all together again -
their Bishop was the last one to go, last year...
The 1960's Rat Pack, that is...
In 1988, only three of them had reunited, of course:
Deano, Sammy... and Frank. Always Frank. It was *almost* always about Frank...!
Frank Sinatra had, in fact, been the lone member of the Pack in ALL of its incarnations (something true elite groups should not have in their history, because then it seems to become a mere social tool for ONE SINGLE MAN; the Four Horsemen were always about TWO, at least - Ric Flair AND Arn Anderson, for example...)
Maybe, now, ALL of the members are reunited;
including members from the Original Rat Pack, from the 1950s
(Judy Garland, David Niven, George Cukor, among others...)
Only Lauren Bacall, once the "den mother" of the pack, will not be there...
Not yet, she isn't...
Hence the one true Rat Pack Reunion is still YET TO COME;
as each and every single one of our reunions with our loved ones
are yet to come too...
To which one can only say, verily...
Vivement le Jour du Jugement Dernier!
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