March 14th - my late, great Dad's Birthdate and his namesake's in the news again, too...

Jury Clears John Ritter Doctors
Panel votes 9-3 against finding docs liable in $67M wrongful-death case
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The worst thing about this may yet be that E!Online dubbed this news to be lumped into the "What's Hot" category...
How about a new category now: the "What's Not Right" news, hmm?
Jury Clears Ritter Doctors
By Joal Ryan
Fri, 14 Mar 2008 12:20:42 PM PDT
John Ritter's tragic death cannot be blamed on a pair of doctors.
So a jury essentially decided Friday in rejecting a wrongful death claim made by the Ritter family.
The split, 9-3 verdict in the civil trial in Glendale, California, came after a day or so of deliberations, and weeks of testimony frequently marked by tears from Ritter's famous coworkers, friends and his widow, actress Amy Yasbeck.
"We are still convinced these doctors did something inappropriate, but the jury system worked," said Michael Plonsker, an attorney from the Ritters.
At issue in the $67 million lawsuit, brought by Yasbeck and Ritter's four children, was whether a radiologist, Dr. Matthew Lotysch, was negligent in a body scan he performed on Ritter in 2001, and whether a cardiologist, Dr. Joseph Lee, was negligent in care he provided for Ritter on the night he died in 2003.
The jury found that in the case of Lotysch, the radiologist did his duty, detecting signs of heart disease and advising Ritter to follow up with a doctor.
The Ritters had alleged the radiologist failed to detect an enlarged aorta. On the stand, Lotysch said there was nothing to detect—the scan didn't show Ritter had one.
Ritter, the amiable, prime-time fixture of Three's Company and much more, died of a torn aorta at Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center in Burbank, California, on Sept. 11, 2003, just hours after falling ill across the street on the set of his sitcom, 8 Simple Rules for Dating My Teenage Daughter. He was 54.
In closing arguments Wednesday, Moses Lebovits, another attorney for the Ritters, summed up the case as being about "the reality that John Ritter did not have to die."
Lee's side countered that there was nothing the cardiologist, or anyone, could have done to prevent Ritter's death.
The Ritter family had targeted Lee for allegedly mistreating Ritter for a heart attack. Lee's attorney, John McCurdy, argued that by the time the cardiologist came into the picture, the diagnosis had already been made, and Ritter was already "crashing."
The trial, which began last month, featured several witnesses whose faces would have been familiar to channel surfers, including Happy Days alum Henry Winkler, who was on Ritter's set the day the actor died; Married...With Children vet Katey Sagal, who played Ritter's wife on 8 Simple Rules...; former Joan of Arcadia star Jason Ritter, who is Ritter's eldest child; and Yasbeck herself, who costarred with Ritter in the Problem Child movies.
The Ritter family previously won $14 million in settlements stemming from Ritter's death, including $9 million from Providence Saint Joseph.
The $67 million claim centered on the Ritters' contention that the doctors' missteps had deprived a family of a central loved one and a top wage earner. On the stand, Ritter's agent, Jessica Pilch-Samuel, said the actor was headed for an 8 Simple Rules... payday of at least $350,000 per episode.
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John Ritter Henry Winkler
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This is sick. Why is ...
This is sick. Why is it the doctor that treated him the night he died is not at fault? He treated him for the wrong thing and he died! If that isn't negligence I dont know what is! jonike on 03/14/2008 12:40PM Report abuse
What a bunch of crap....
What a bunch of crap. It truly reflects the lack of care that doctors provide. They think they know it all and don't take time to really investigate the issue. Whenever I go to my doctor, I literally get 7 minutes of their time (I keep an eye on the clock every time) unless I insist on asking questions. And even then, as they answer my questions, they have one hand on the door and shamelessly show their impatience. Now Mr. Ritter's doctors get a free pass for killing him? When will they be held accountable for the lives that entrusted to them? writergeek on 03/14/2008 13:31PM Report abuse
You don't know what y...
You don't know what you are talking about. Most John Ritter was told 2 years earlier to go to a cardiologist. He didn't do it. He choose to put his life at risk and lost the gamble. omahasushi on 03/14/2008 14:19PM Report abuse
As much as I loved Jo...
As much as I loved John Ritter, I really believe that the doctors did the best they could with the information available at the time * especially in an emergency situation. I think everyone wants to put the blame on the doctors. Sometimes, it's just our time to go. Suing doctors and hospitals for these exorbitant amounts only raises the cost of healthcare for the rest of us. Besides, the family can file a complaint with the doctor's licensing agency (rather than suing) if they really feel incompetence was involved. I'm not saying that there aren't bad doctors and bad healthcare facilities out there, but the vast majority of doctors do the best they can. Suing only discourages the good doctors from practicing. Malpractice insurance rates are through the roof (because everyone automatically decides to sue when something goes wrong)- we all pay for that. SRO on 03/14/2008 14:21PM Report abuse
The 14th of March is my father's birthday.
My father, Joao Jacinto Borges Pimentel.
Joao - Jean en Français; John in English.
To have the namesake John RITTER CASE be DISMISSED like this on this very date is something already...
But to see the hospital that I WOULD HAVE PERSONALLY SUED MYSELF, in my own father's case, INAUGURATE A BRAND-SPANKING NEW EMERGENCY WARD UNIT (one that was renovated almost entirely with funds amassed from the very people they give inadequate health care services to, ultimately, when the time comes...) ON THE VERY SAME DATE TOO...
Well, that is from the realm of the UNCANNY, now...
Or sublime irony...
Sublimely cruel too, yes...
Yes, they inaugurated the new E.R. ward on Friday the 14th of March 2008 - with the opening to the public scheduled for Monday, the 17th - St-Patrick's Day or not, rain or shine... or more snow, likely.
Yet I couldn't find ANY news about it, anywhere!
Instead, look what I've found...
Résultats de la recherche
Hôpital Sacré-Coeur: des infirmières refusent de travailler - LCN - Régional [Nouvelle fenêtre]
LCN: L'actualité régionale, nationale et internationale, les faits divers, la météo, le sport, les nouvelles en ... de l'hôpital Sacré-Coeur ont refusé ...
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LCN: L'actualité régionale, nationale et internationale, les faits divers, la météo, le sport, les nouvelles en ... L'Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur à Montréal ...
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LCN: L'actualité régionale, nationale et internationale, les faits divers, la météo, le sport, les nouvelles en ... l'Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur ne fait pas ...
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LCN: L'actualité régionale, nationale et internationale, les faits divers, la météo, le sport, les nouvelles en ... l'hôpital du Sacré-Coeur à Montréal, a ...
L'hôpital du Sacré-Coeur mis en demeure
Mise à jour : 30/05/2000 13h24
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Claude Payette, 48 ans, de Shawinigan, est mort étouffé en juin 1999.
Le rapport du coroner révèle que la mort de Claude Payette était attribuable à une détresse respiratoire causée par la compression de la contention thoracique. La famille soutient que l'hôpital avait attribué la mort à un arrêt cardiovasculaire et qu'elle ne l'a pas informé du rôle joué par les contentions.
Des demandes ont aussi été faites à la ministre Pauline Marois afin d'éviter qu'une telle situation ne se reproduise.
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LCN: L'actualité régionale, nationale et internationale, les faits divers, la ... L'hôpital Sacré-Coeur, à Montréal, est encore engorgé à un point tel qu'on ...
Évitez l'hôpital Sacré-Coeur à Montréal
Mise à jour : 16/10/2000 19h55
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Il y a plus de deux fois le nombre de patients permis à l'urgence.
Près d'une centaine de patients sont alités sur civières, dont 27 depuis plus de 48 heures.
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Urgences: le ministre Couillard trompe la population - LCN - National [Nouvelle fenêtre]
... bien implanté à l'hôpital du Sacré-Coeur de Montréal et à la Cité ... chef urgentologue de l'hôpital du Sacré-Coeur, le docteur Michel Garner, indique ...
Les secouristes s'entraînent - LCN - Sports [Nouvelle fenêtre]
... 100 médecins spécialistes de l'hôpital Sacré-Coeur sont mobilisés pour le Grand Prix. ... L'hôpital Sacré-Coeur collabore avec le Grand Prix depuis ...
Les médecins menacent de cesser les accouchements - LCN - Régional [Nouvelle fenêtre]
LCN: L'actualité régionale, nationale et internationale, les faits divers, la ... les médecins de l'Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur, à Montréal, menacent de ne plus ...
That second last story there makes me wonder if these "secouristes" are not really training to save lives by risking the lives of their current patients - no more than guinea pigs for them, thus!
Exactly as I always thought...
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