More March Mourning...
Richard Widmark, the actor whose menacing portrayals
in numerous film noir thrillers made him synonymous with the genre,
died Monday at age 93.
Actor Richard Widmark Dies

In other news:
Meurtre élucidé 29 ans plus tard
2 - Plus de nouvelles de Radio-Canada
Les nouvelles sur Sympatico/MSN
(Better late than never: it took about 30 years for the Quebec Clouseaus to figure this one out... I stand slightly relieved, also, upon learning of this case as I am also learning that OTHERS have killed their neighbors - even when said neighbors are RELATED to them! And just because they were too noisy as well - my exact same reason for having WANTED TO murder many a neighbor, over the years...! I confess! To mere thinking of it though; not crime-committing! Well, okay, plenty more reasons can be found and somebody extremely wise (for their age) once said that "the only good neighbor is the dead neighbor" - but I am digressing right now...!)
(*)Copyright World Entertainment News Network All Rights Reserved.
The Internet Movie Database takes no responsibility for the content or accuracy of the articles above. Studio Briefing is edited by Lew Irwin and articles are the copyright of StudioBriefing. The Celebrity News articles are licensed from WENN (World Entertainment News Network) and published for the entertainment of our users only. The WENN items do not represent IMDb's opinions nor can we guarantee that WENN's reporting is completely factual. Please address any complaints regarding the content of WENN to fine and well - but... WHY did W.E.N.N. take off any mention of another passing in the film industry a mere 24 hours after it was reported? What, is only Mr. Widmark worthy of remembering...?
Here is the other industry demise:
• | Oscar-winning "Nuremberg" writer dies in L.A March 28, 3:57 AM ET, Reuters |
Oh I get it, W.E.N.N. - writing about Nuremberg is not politically correct...!
In other news:
Trois chasseurs de phoque périssent en mer, un autre chasseur toujours porté disparus
Three or four seal-killers, their hands still sullied with the blood of the poor creatures they just clobbered to death, drowned to death on their way back home...
Boo-hoo. Somehow, it doesn't quite ring true as the "Perfect Storm" story - and even there, I was not so displeased at all to see the SEA take back what was his, while taking to oblivion Marky Mark and his buddy gorgeous George there...
(See, Mark, if you weren't such a Mark, you would've wanted to be AQUAMAN and would've survived that Perfect Storm so that you could have made a SEQUEL - "the Perfect Storm II: Back Out To Sea" or something... That sure would have done better than your last bunch of flops at the box-office, eh? My apologies to the real-life Perfect Storm tragedy victims: I just cannot miss a single opportunity to poke fun at Marky Mark...!)
As for the seal assassins (no, not those Dubya sent after God-Knows-who, in his would-be sacrosanct war against terror...) - I see only poetic justice there, really... The sea had enough of them.
Wisely, this seal hunt is done for the year.
You better, "Madelinots"...
Now if only your fellow trade workers would do likewise and put a stop to it - before they too sink in the cold waters up there...
Meanwhile, I would be remiss if I didn't remind all that they're still looking for these two CRAPULES:
Recherchés pour la mort d’un enfant (28/02/08)
Varsity news:
death threats on campus, between employees, not students - now that's odd!
Students know better than that: they haze!
And somebody employed by such an august establishment of ADVANCED LEARNING should also know better than that: for it is all in the way that you SAY IT!
You can say, for instance, "you will surely die, dude" - for it is an evidence!
Just don't mention that you intend to be the Reaper's assistant in any way...
Menace de mort à l’Université Bishop (18/02/08)
And finally - another casualty of the road...
If the rising costs of owning and USING a car won't get you, reckless driving, be it your fellow man's or your own, surely will!
La route fait un mort en Beauce (11/02/08)
Mea Culpa -
I may have forgotten to make any mention of it, in last month's February Farewells...
Truth is, I can't keep up...!
I've no idea how the Grim Reaper does it...
"It" really must be "a whole team" of reapers - as seen on modern TV cult favorite (it is one in my book anyway) Dead Like Me...
Catch a repeat, if you can - while you can...
Labels: A Minghella, Murder Solved, R Widmark
Source article:
Oscar-winning "Nuremberg" writer dies in L.A
Friday March 28 3:57 AM ET
Abby Mann, who won an Oscar for writing the 1961 drama "Judgment at Nuremberg" and devoted his career to exposing failings in the U.S. criminal justice system, has died, the Los Angeles Times reported on its Web site on Thursday.
He died of heart failure in Beverly Hills on Tuesday at age 80.
Mann also wrote such fact-based TV movies as 1973's "The Marcus-Nelson Murders," which led to the release of the accused murderer at the center of the story; 1989's "Murderers Among Us: The Simon Wiesenthal Story," about the tireless Nazi hunter; and 1995's "Indictment: The McMartin Trial," about a web of false child-molestation allegations.
"A writer worth his salt at all has an obligation not only to entertain but to comment on the world in which he lives," Mann said when he accepted his Oscar for "Judgment at Nuremberg," the Stanley Kramer film that dramatized one of the many post-war trials of top Nazis.
Born Abraham Goodman in Philadelphia in 1927, Mann began his professional writing career in the early days of live television in the 1950s.
He won an Emmy for "The Marcus-Nelson Murders," which starred Telly Savalas as police detective Theo Kojak. The bald, lollipop-sucking character was spun off into a hit TV series created by Mann.
He was inspired to write the script after becoming convinced about the innocence of a young black man who said he was coerced into confessing to the murders of two women. After the film aired, he was freed, the Times said.
He also won Emmys for co-writing "Murderers Among Us: The Simon Wiesenthal Story," and as an executive producer of "Indictment: The McMartin Trial," which was named best TV movie.
Mann is survived by his wife Myra, with whom he wrote "The McMartin Trial," and a son.
(Reporting by Dean Goodman; editing by Eric Beech)
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Chasse au phoque: Tragédie maritime
2008-03-29 17:51:01
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Trois hommes sont morts et un autre manque toujours à l'appel à la suite du chavirement de leur navire, vendredi, lors d'une opération de remorquage, au large du Cap-Breton. Les opérations de recherche ont été réduites.
Chasse au phoque: Tragédie maritime
Trois chasseurs de phoque des Îles-de-la-Madeleine ont perdu la vie et un autre est porté disparu à la suite d'une opération de remorquage qui a tourné en cauchemar vendredi, au large du Cap-Breton.
Les chasseurs se trouvaient avec deux autres compagnons à bord du bateau de pêche Acadien II. Le navire, qui avait éprouvé des ennuis mécaniques plus tôt dans la journée, se faisait remorquer par le brise-glace de la garde côtière canadienne Sir William Alexander, lorsqu'il a chaviré.
Deux membres d'équipage du bateau, sur les six, ont pu être secourus. Les corps des trois autres ont été repêchés samedi matin.
Recherches réduites
Les opérations de recherche pour retrouver le sixième homme qui manque toujours à l'appel ont été réduites. Le Centre de coordination de recherche et sauvetage d'Halifax estime que les chances de survie de la personne disparue sont « pratiquement nulles dans les circonstances actuelles et les conditions glaciales de l'eau ».
Le dossier de personne manquante sera transmis au détachement local de la GRC.
Un remorquage qui tourne mal
Selon Bruno-Pierre Bourque, un survivant, le bateau a perdu un gouvernail et a dû faire appel à un navire de garde-côtes. D'après lui, c'est durant le remorquage que le bateau s'est renversé. Il aurait été soulevé par un morceau de glace.
M. Bourque a ajouté qu'il n'y avait pas d'agents qui surveillaient les activités de secours sur le navire des garde-côtes.
Une enquête sur cet accident devait être ouverte par le ministère des Transports, qui a toutefois indiqué samedi que l'Acadien avait été inspecté en début de semaine et qu'il était conforme aux normes de sécurité.
Le ministre québécois des Pêcheries, Laurent Lessard, a déclaré être bouleversé par ces événements. Il entend rendre visite prochainement aux Madelinots, peinés par ce triste événement.
Par ailleurs, la chasse au phoque s'est poursuivie samedi pour une deuxième journée sous l'oeil vigilant des autorités et le regard réprobateur des animalistes, qui survolent le secteur en avion pour saisir des images de la chasse.
Other demises in the month of March, 2008...
A tale of two boys...
Quebec teenager dies after playing at mine
Last Updated:
Friday, March 21, 2008 |
10:28 PM ET
Comments0 Recommend10
CBC News
A teenager, who was buried by a metre of snow while playing at a mine in south-central Quebec Friday, died later in hospital, police said.
Police, ambulance and volunteers in Thetford Mines, a town 80 kilometres south of Quebec City that's known for its surrounding asbestos deposits, said they searched for the 15-year-old boy following an emergency call at about 4 p.m. Friday.
The youth, whose name hasn't been released, was sliding down a hill with a friend at an open-faced mine when he was caught in a snowslide, police said.
He was buried under a metre of snow for about an hour before being found.
Earlier this month, an eight-year-old boy died in northern New Brunswick while playing in snow. He was digging a tunnel in a snowbank outside his home in Campbellton when it collapsed and he became trapped, police said.
With files from the Canadian Press
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Boy, 12, kills man who attacked his mom
Wed Apr 2, 12:40 PM ET
HYATTSVILLE, Md. - A 12-year-old boy fatally slashed a man who was attacking his mother at the boarding house where they lived, authorities said.
Salomon Noubissie, 64, died at a hospital after he was slashed across the neck Monday night in the home in the Landover area.
Cpl. Diane Richardson, a spokeswoman for Prince George's County police, said Wednesday that authorities hadn't decided whether the boy would be charged with anything. They were reviewing the case with the state's attorney's office.
The boy said he had been playing a video game Monday night when he heard his mother, Cheryl Stamp, scream. He found her on the kitchen floor, straddled by a fellow resident who was choking her.
"I kept saying, 'Stop! Stop! Stop!'" the boy told The Washington Post, which published his account without giving his name. "But he just ignored me. He didn't stop. He just kept hurting her."
The boy said he took a knife and swung at the man. Police say they found Noubissie with a knife wound to the upper body.
Stamp said she didn't fully realize at first what her son had done. "He didn't say anything," she said. "But I knew when I looked in his eyes. I said, 'Oh, Lord.' "
Rarely is a 12-year-old implicated in a homicide, and even less often does a child that age kill someone to protect his mother.
"In Maryland, there can be a legitimate defense of third parties in the event of a violent attack," State's Attorney Glenn F. Ivey told the newspaper. "That is a possibility in this case."
Stamp said she and Noubissie, a Cameroonian immigrant, had moved into the boarding house within days of each other three months ago and had become friends. Stamp said Noubissie had told her he was studying to be a psychiatrist.
But on Monday night, she said, he was acting differently. He started to yell at her and grab her hair.
"He threw me down and started choking me. I think that's when my son came in. ... He protected me," she said.
Noubissie was combative with officers when they arrived, even as he was bleeding heavily, she said.
The boy said he was not happy with what happened but felt he had no choice.
"I told God that I had stabbed him because he was killing my mother. I know he understands, and I think he will keep us safe now."
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