Le Moribond - Sait Mieux! ;)
(And if you doubt those Frenchie words -
scroll back up to the top of the page
right here on the Lugubrious Blog
(or go to the 'current posts' page)
and play the 3rd video offering
straight and/or right from the top, aye
courtesy of the fine folks from YouTube!
Jacques Brel's Moribond
Lui, il connait son affaire!
He has it aaaaaall figured out -
oui monsieur!
On word of caution though:
video may not be available any longer...
A second word of advice:
if the video is indeed still available
and that you understand the words
you may be a bit down and blue afterwards...
C'est les risques du métier, quoi
ou peut-être pas exactement cela
but I'm digressing, I think...)
The advice dispensed above
applies only to those with nerves of steel
- those few of us, detached enough from
"earthly, material things"
to actually be somewhat unphased by news
such as "you have contracted H.I.V.
and your days are numbered
Have a nice day... or last days...
Next patient...!"
Ignorance truly is bliss
in this case (as in others, I'm sure...)
I could roll off the numbers now -
like any news cast has done
in order to "promote" this day...
AIDS (Awareness) Day
- isn't it?
But I will not!
Just beware who you lock lips with!
Could be the kiss of death.
Labels: lukewarm simulcast
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