Lugubrious Anniversaries In October
More reasons to hate Mondays...

The photographs of 42 of the 43 victims who perished in 1997...
Last October 8th, in the municipality of Saint-Bernard de Beauce, a tiny village in Quebec, Canada, they remembered the 1997 accident that cost the lives of 3% of the population there - forty-three people in all... A bus that was returning from a pilgrimage slid down a curve and into a ravine. Most of the elderly pious passengers onboard died in the tumble down the gully. The location of the accident bore that odd and evocative name, "Les Éboulements", which means "the slidings" in French. A very bad omen that proves once again that no one should ever ask "what's in a name"...
Also last October 8th, CHE GUEVARA's demise was commemorated 40 years after the fact. A demise that occurred really on October 9th... Bolivia and Cuba were united in this commemoration of the revolutionary guided by a great feeling of love.
Nathalie Cardone's song is, of course, perfect for the occasion:
And, 37 Years Ago...
Today, October 15th...
The West Gate Bridge is one of Australia's biggest cable-stayed girder bridges. Its mighty 850 metre length soars high over the banks of the Yarra River, joining Melbourne's western suburbs to the CBD. Before the bridge was built, access to the city of Melbourne and suburbs to the east was possible only by travelling the old Geelong Road . Used by thousands of commuters daily, the journey from entrance to exit, including approach roads, covers 5.6 kilometres.
To most it is simply a bridge, albeit an impressive one. To many though, the bridge is a majestic memorial which they never traverse without a feeling of sadness and a silent farewell to workmates and loved ones who died when the bridge collapsed during its construction.
This website is dedicated to those 35 working men who went to work on the 15th October, 1970 and never came home, to those who were injured, and to their brave comrades and the rescue crews who toiled tirelessly in horrific circumstances on that terrible day to assist and recover them.
Labels: Che, commemorative, Di, Les Éboulements, West Gate Bridge
Tragédie des Éboulements
Il y 10 ans... un village était décimé
Mise à jour : 08/10/2007 17h53
Il y a dix ans, la municipalité de Saint-Bernard, en Beauce, perdait 43 citoyens dans la pire tragédie routière au Canada.
Un autobus qui transportait un groupe de 48 personnes âgées du village de Saint-Bernard, en Beauce, a dévalé la côte des Éboulements, dans Charlevoix, et a terminé sa course dans un ravin.
Dix ans après, les plaies restent toujours vives parmi les familles éprouvées. Mais plusieurs citoyens souhaitent que ce dixième anniversaire représente la fin d'un deuil.
A tiny village hopes to be able to forget the deaths of 43 people - deaths that could have easily been avoided if the bus driver had been more familiar with that dangerous curve down "La Côte Des Éboulements"...
Deadman's Curve, if you will...
they are trying not to forget but to relive, step by step, the also very much avoidable accident down a tunnel that cost Diana Spencer and Dodi Fayed their lives...
In that case, the driver was squarely to blame...
The paparazzi second...
But I digress...
9 October 1967.
After a few false starts and Che's telling them to get it over with, six or more shots are fired into Guevara's torso. One version of his reported last words were: "I knew you were going to shoot me; I should never have been taken alive. Tell Fidel that this failure does not mean the end of the revolution, that it will triumph elsewhere. Tell Aleida to forget this, remarry and be happy, and keep the children studying. Ask the soldiers to aim well." Others have claimed his last words to have been: "Shoot, coward! You are going to kill a man."
After his death, a death mask was made and his hands were cut off to ensure identification. His body was buried in a secret grave. Guevara was 39 years old.
In June of 1997, a team of Cuban and Argentinian scientists recovered the skeleton, missing both hands, of Guevara in the town of Vallegrande, Bolivia. The bones have since been "rapatriated" to Cuba.
"The true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love."
~ Che Guevara
May we all be true revolutionaries then...
Lest I forget another one, this October...
The Lords of Pain reminded me...
Thanks, milords...
An excerpt from their many updates hence:
Piper Replaced At WWE PPV, Pillman Memorial Show, Hall On The Move, Snitsky
Submitted by Daniel Pena on
Friday, October 5, 2007
at 11:58 PM EST
-- A commercial promoting Cyber Sunday aired in the Washington D.C. area during SmackDown tonight. Washington D.C. is the site of Cyber Sunday as the event will take place at the Verizon Center on October 28. A Cyber Sunday commercial that aired in Canada originally advertised "Rowdy" Roddy Piper as being one of the choices for the referee of the World Heavyweight Championship match along with "Stone Cold" Steve Austin and Mick Foley. The commercial now advertises JBL as one of the referee choices for the match, thus replacing Piper. The commercial also promoted the WWE Championship match. The stipulation options for the match are Hell in a Cell, Falls Count Anywhere, and No Disqualification.
-- Today is the 10th anniversary of the death of former WWE/WCW star Brian Pillman. Plans are in place for a Brian Pillman Memorial show to be held within the next few months. They stopped doing the shows a few years ago when the show organizer, Les Thatcher, stated that he didn't have time to plan them anymore.
-- Former WWE star Scott Hall appeared at indy show in Little Rock, Arkansas last night. Hall told fans that he would be working for AAA in Mexico soon. Sean Waltman, a close friend of Hall, has been working in AAA regularly in recent months with his girlfriend Alicia "Ryan Shamrock" Webb.
-- Val Venis is still leading the poll of who WWE fans want to see win the WWE Championship match at No Mercy with 40% of the vote. Another interesting pick has emerged behind Venis as Gene Snitsky is currently in second place in the poll. 17.74% of the voters want to see Snitsky as WWE Champion. He is ahead of Triple H, who stands at 14.30%.
Many more news like that
Che Guevara hair lock to be auctioned
Associated Press Writer
DALLAS - Anyone can get a "Che" T-shirt for a few bucks, but an actual relic from the revolutionary figure is likely to cost a bit more at an auction Thursday.
Bidding starts at $100,000 for a 3-inch lock of hair from Ernesto "Che" Guevara, the Marxist whose iconic picture has become a popular, even sometimes fashionable commodity since he was killed in a Bolivian jungle 40 years ago this month.
Heritage Auction Galleries is putting the hair, allegedly snipped off Guevara before burial, up for sale despite alleged threats made against the company by Guevara admirers since the auction was announced in September.
The Dallas-based auction house said it will have extra security on hand for the bidding after monitoring "leftist bloggers" upset that the company is profiting from Guevara's death.
"(Che) is kind of revered and hated," Heritage spokeswoman Kelley Norwine said. "It's at both ends of the spectrum. This has been one of the most ranging of emotions. ... It's crazy."
More than 30 prospective bidders are registered on the auction house's Web site to monitor the bidding, in addition to the many expected to pack the gallery room.
Norwine also said someone in Venezuela — where President Hugo Chavez venerates Guevara as a model socialist — requested that a catalog of Thursday's items be delivered overnight.
Norwine said she couldn't reveal who in Venezuela asked for the catalog but insisted she wasn't "trying to be coy."
The hair was consigned by Gustavo Villoldo, a former CIA operative and Cuban exile who was involved in Guevara's capture, according to unclassified U.S. records and other documents.
According to Heritage, Villoldo did not want Guevara's body to be returned to Cuba, where it would receive a hero's funeral, so he supervised the burial in a common grave where a runway was being built.
"I wanted proof," Villoldo said of taking the hair, "that I had completed my mission."
Norwine said the hair hasn't been forensically matched to Guevara because of fears of test tampering. But she said the auction house is confident in its authenticity.
The Cuban government announced in 1995 that its anthropologists had uncovered Guevara's remains from Bolivia, and re-interred them in Cuba without doing DNA testing. Villoldo and other exiles and experts say the body is still in Bolivia.
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