"Death is a challenge. It tells us not to waste time... It tells us to tell each other right now that we love each other."
- Unknown
the lugubrious blog: December 2007

Sunday, December 30, 2007

The ultimate homage to dead wrestlers

This one says it all.

Made on a lark by a third party,
it gave itself the purpose to reply
to someone else's callous remark
that went something like this:
"who cares about a bunch of dead wrestlers"
Well, they were human beings too,
like each and every single one of us
and they dared to pursue their dream
even if it ultimately meant
way too much abuse to their body,
much more than it could take,
and an early grave for most of them...

I commend them on this and this alone:
having had the guts to pursue their dream.
Most went about it the wrong way -
seeking to keep the dream alive by using
performance or physique enhancing drugs
or simply over-indulging in pain-relievers...
Some also took the easy way out
at the first sign that the dream was over.
Not their fault that, once there, they saw
no other alternative.

Some shocking revelations are to be found here
regarding the deaths of some of them, aye...
Mike Alfonso aka Mike Awesome
comes to mind...
I had no idea...
And, finally, I learned the true identity
of the tragic figure known as "the Renegade"

Between these two
and the likes of Elizabeth, Rick Rude,
Curt Hennig, Louie Spicolli, Eddie Guerrero,
Nancy Daus, Brian Pillman, Chris Benoit,
the tag-team known as 'Public Enemy' -
it all reads as a who's who of WCW talent,
circa 1995...

I gather that this will contribute in making WCW
the stuff of modern legend
much to the chagrin of one V.K. McMahon...

I am proud to showcase this video here.

Kudos to whoever did it.
(Click on the screen and you'll find that out with ease.)


Friday, December 28, 2007

Savin' it for The Year End Review - 2 of 2 - Shocking, That Monkey

free music

Such a shocking news story that I had to
concoct a playlist just for it...
After all, it is not every day that
one hears of a mere monkey
doing in a government official...
(Okay - they were many!
These monkeys know there's strength in numbers
not necessarily safety though
as some of them died in the mauling
of ONE man only...
Nonetheless, Hanuman would be proud
I suppose...)

Granted, they have wild monkeys in New Delhi
like we have squirrels here...

No squirrels will invade the White House though
and cause Dubya to leave us alone
once and for all...

Al Qaida may want to consider
contracting some monkeys now...

I hear that
Magilla Gorilla, Cheetah, Cornelius, Caesar,
Chewbacca, Bobo and all ten of these right here
are not too busy these days...
I'm sure they all dislike Dubya too...

That chimp that hung out with Reagan
must also be eager to oust Dubya...

And if all these simians are dead
they can always haunt him out of the White House?

That's what you get, Dubya,
for NOT getting impeached
as you so deserved it...

Savin' it for The Year End Review - 1 of 2...

15 ans pour Francis Gignac (20/12/07)
Francis Gignac, qui a tué sa conjointe Josée Olsen à coups de marteau,
devra passer les 15 prochaines années de sa vie derrière les barreaux.

Liens associés
Zone Haute Vitesse
Plus de nouvelles sur TQS.ca

Let's hope that Josée Olsen's soul will rest in peace now.
Her loved ones may have some peace of mind too, now -
justice was served (as severely as it's likely to be these days.)


Also revealed this past year -
in October, The Spectre Of Death Called AIDS...
It was revealed that it originated from Haiti.
And we all thought all that we'd gotten from Haiti were
voodoo, zombies (and recipes how to make them) and
Oh, and "regular recipes" too for the puffer fish,
whose spikes give us that "precious" tetrodotoxin
that begets zombies, in turn, when ingeniously used...

And, if you're anywhere near Quebec, Haiti also gave us
Dany Laferrière! Yay...

Well, it also gave the WORLD... AIDS.

And right around the time that your luminous and lugubrious
blogger was BORN too...
Yeah, I can truly say that I am innocent in all this -
I was barely born onto this wretched world
With Dany and the Zombies...

That's enough to turn you into a
Voodoo Kin Mafia fan - isn't it?

Don't answer that...

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

A moment of silence
on this day where we evoke
"The First Noël After"
for those who have already known
or who will have known this year
their Last Noël...

And special thoughts
of course
for their loved ones
left behind...

free music


Thursday, December 20, 2007

December Demises

All newswires on the Big Grid related the following
in regards to the above photo (credits below):
"Icicles hang from a statue of Abraham Lincoln in front of the
Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum and Library in Springfield, Ill.,
Sunday, Dec. 9, 2007. The brunt of an icy winter storm system
hit central Illinois leaving up to a quarter of an inch of ice accumulation
and creating dangerous driving conditions."
(And killing six people - don't be afraid to mention that all-important fact now...! Abe would approve of it being mentioned...
Here's to the Six - GOD Did not forget them either.)

(AP Photo/Seth Perlman)

And there were, of course, many more demises
in this month of December...
Among them:

A mere few days before dying, Evel Knievel had settled out of court with Kanye West pretty much in the beginnings of a dispute over the use, by West, of many of Evel Knievel's trademarks of sorts, including the name "Evel Kanyevel"...

In making peace before he went on his greatest stunt tour of all, Evel Knievel showed off one important aspect that we all knew of already, I do believe; Evel wasn't evil.

That stated - this is still the man who went after a PR man with a baseball bat in 1977, after the latter man had written a book about E.K. that the stuntman found less than flattering...
While not being evil per say, Evel sure had a temper... to spare!

Along with The Six Million Dollar Man, Steve Austin,
the Bionic Woman and, maybe, Tarzan Ron Ely,
Evel Knievel was one of my 1970s TV HEROES...
The one who bridged the gap between
Bobby Orr and Aquaman!

It is always deeply saddening to lose a hero.

Which brings me to the next departee...


Dan Fogelberg's anthem about the Leader of *his* Band was always a favorite song of mine - ever moreso in March of 2006 when it took on a very personal meaning for me.
I'm disappointed to see someone else lose a Leader - like him.
My condolences to his offspring, to his wife and entire Band...

Tomar, seen in this photo taken last January,
was suffering kidney failure.

There are so few tigers left
to lose but one of these noble beasts
is a tragedy in itself.
That it was Tomar
is even more disheartening.
What happened on this damn planet
that such creatures have no place on it anymore
and even the gentler specimens, kept in a zoo,
meet an early demise.
Hear ye, poachers and other killers -
your days are numbered too
for soon there will only be
Tony, Tigger and Hobbes left
as tigers on this earth.
Good luck with the career
(translation: rot in hell)


There were many more deaths to repertoriate
I may have missed more than a lot too
(as I have surely done over the entire year)
- oh well, I am not to *officially* keep score anyway
and I won't be doing this Lugubrious thing
forevermore either...!
Those that I did catch are *all*
in the comments section.

And may they all rest in peace.


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Saturday, December 01, 2007


Le Marabout Sait... Si, Si... Da, Da...!
Le Moribond - Sait Mieux! ;)
(And if you doubt those Frenchie words -
scroll back up to the top of the page
right here on the Lugubrious Blog
(or go to the 'current posts' page)
and play the 3rd video offering
straight and/or right from the top, aye
courtesy of the fine folks from YouTube!
Jacques Brel's Moribond
Lui, il connait son affaire!
He has it aaaaaall figured out -
oui monsieur!
On word of caution though:
video may not be available any longer...
A second word of advice:
if the video is indeed still available
and that you understand the words
you may be a bit down and blue afterwards...
C'est les risques du métier, quoi
ou peut-être pas exactement cela
but I'm digressing, I think...)

The advice dispensed above
applies only to those with nerves of steel
- those few of us, detached enough from
"earthly, material things"
to actually be somewhat unphased by news
such as "you have contracted H.I.V.
and your days are numbered
Have a nice day... or last days...
Next patient...!"

Ignorance truly is bliss
in this case (as in others, I'm sure...)

I could roll off the numbers now -
like any news cast has done
in order to "promote" this day...
AIDS (Awareness) Day
- isn't it?

But I will not!

Just beware who you lock lips with!

Could be the kiss of death.



now -
you still can...

  1. Hello (Evanescence)
  2. Empty Room (Marjorie Fair)
  3. Thriller (Michael Jackson)
  4. Zombies (Trailer) (Game Trailers)
  5. This Ain'T Living (Mo Thugs)
  6. Dark Is The Night (A-Ha)
  7. Keep It Dark (Genesis)
  8. Dark Age: Darkness Rising (Trailer) (Game Trailers)
  9. Dark Age Of Camelot (Trailer) (Game Trailers)
  10. Darkness, Darkness (Robert Plant)
  11. Heaven Knows (Robert Plant)
  12. Darkstalkers Psp (Trailer) (Game Trailers)
  13. Black Hole Sun (The Moog Cookbook)
  14. Blow Up The Outside World (Soundgarden)
  15. Awful (Hole)
  16. Last Train To Lhasa (Banco De Gaia)
  17. Mary Jane'S Last Dance (Tom Petty)
  18. I Miss You (Blink 182)
  19. Bark At The Moon (Ozzy Osbourne)
  20. Dreamer (Behind The Scenes) (Ozzy Osbourne)
  21. Last Night On Earth (U2)
  22. One Last Breath (Creed)
  23. Live And Let Die (Guns N' Roses)
  24. Live And Let Die (Paul Mccartney)
  25. Live And Let Die (Live At Mtv Awards) (Guns N' Roses)
  26. Die Another Day (Madonna)
  27. Died In Your Arms (Cutting Crew)
  28. Kiss Of Death (Voice In Time)
  29. Epro (Beck)
  30. Living Dead Girl (Rob Zombie)
  31. Dragular (Live On Merry Mayhem Tour) (Rob Zombie)
  32. Never Gonna Stop (Rob Zombie)
  33. King Of The Jailhouse (Aimee Mann)
  34. Strength To Endure (The Ramones)
  35. Myst V: End Of Ages (E3 2k5 Trailer) (Game Trailers)
  36. Hollywood Ending (Hayden)
  37. In The End (Linkin Park)
  38. The End Has No End (The Strokes)
  39. Over (Lindsay Lohan)
  40. Feel (Robbie Williams)
  41. Hurt (Johnny Cash)
  42. Train Of Thought (A-Ha)
  43. Hello The End (Alex Lloyd)
  44. Soul Meets Body (Death Cab For Cutie)
  45. Blood And Oranges (Viva Death)
  46. My Heart Will Go On (Love Theme From &Quot;Titanic&Quot;) (Celine Dion)
  47. I Am Alive (Stuart Little 2) (Celine Dion)
  48. Ghosts (Michael Jackson)
  49. Ghosts (Kerri Anderson)
  50. 13 Ghosts (Marshmallow Overcoat)
  51. Ghosts Along The Mississippi (Down)
  52. I Think Im A Clone Now (Evangelion)
  53. Going Under (Evanescence)
  54. Bring Me To Life (Evanescence)
  55. My Immortal (Evanescence)
  56. Say Anything (Aimee Mann)
  57. I Should'Ve Known (Aimee Mann)
  58. Stupid Thing (Aimee Mann)
  59. Funeral Song (The Rasmus)
  60. Buried Myself Alive (The Used)
  61. Haunted (Evanescence)
  62. The Funeral Of Hearts (H.I.M.)
  63. Wie Weit (Apocalyptica)
  64. The World Is Not Enough (Garbage)
  65. Life Burns (Ft. Lauri Ylonen) (Apocalyptica)
  66. Ride The Wings Of Pestilence (From First To Last)
  67. Bittersweet (Ft.Lauri Ylonen &Amp; Ville Valo) (Apocalyptica)
  68. Bittersweet Symphony (The Verve)
  69. Lost Boys (69 Eyes)
Video Codes by VideoCodeZone.Com

"Si tu veux pouvoir supporter la vie, sois prêt à accepter la mort!"
- Anonyme

One more death from the world of publicity...

Forget about finding that perfect purse that matches your shoes, ladies;
or that perfect bow tie that will go with the tuxedo, boys ~
think about finding your fate - and faith - instead!

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Until *The Day* Comes... Souls Will Depart...
While We Remain ~ In This Mad World
This Doomed World
As long as we remain on this earth, though, we must keep communicating...
...and communing with one another - until the day we do so ~ on The Other Side

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  • Go To Hell, Ghost Droppings

  • Not a dream - GO!