The ultimate homage to dead wrestlers
This one says it all.
Made on a lark by a third party,
it gave itself the purpose to reply
to someone else's callous remark
that went something like this:
"who cares about a bunch of dead wrestlers"
Well, they were human beings too,
like each and every single one of us
and they dared to pursue their dream
even if it ultimately meant
way too much abuse to their body,
much more than it could take,
and an early grave for most of them...
I commend them on this and this alone:
having had the guts to pursue their dream.
Most went about it the wrong way -
seeking to keep the dream alive by using
performance or physique enhancing drugs
or simply over-indulging in pain-relievers...
Some also took the easy way out
at the first sign that the dream was over.
Not their fault that, once there, they saw
no other alternative.
Some shocking revelations are to be found here
regarding the deaths of some of them, aye...
Mike Alfonso aka Mike Awesome
comes to mind...
I had no idea...
And, finally, I learned the true identity
of the tragic figure known as "the Renegade"
Between these two
and the likes of Elizabeth, Rick Rude,
Curt Hennig, Louie Spicolli, Eddie Guerrero,
Nancy Daus, Brian Pillman, Chris Benoit,
the tag-team known as 'Public Enemy' -
it all reads as a who's who of WCW talent,
circa 1995...
I gather that this will contribute in making WCW
the stuff of modern legend
much to the chagrin of one V.K. McMahon...
I am proud to showcase this video here.
Kudos to whoever did it.
(Click on the screen and you'll find that out with ease.)
Labels: Wrestling