North American Schools - places of higher learning or just somewhere to DIE prematurely...?

This undated handout photo provided by Nova Scotia Agricultural College shows Jocelyn Couture-Nowak (R.I.P.), left, and her husband Jerzy Nowak. (AP File/CP/ HO)
The question can be asked - considering that, for instance, one of my old "alma mater" - the University of Montreal - has over 30 pavillions and only 5, count'em, FIVE security guards, ONLY, to oversee them all...!
Another question that came to me, as I was reflecting about today's youth in the days leading up to this tragedy (not that I have medium foresight and knew it was about to happen - no! My claim to be an L.P. - a luminous psychic - does not entail that much uncanny ability to tell the future...) - how many Blackberries have lost their owners in Blacksburg, VA.?
Easy -and morbid- pun to make, I know; but EVERYONE of a certain age and standing in this facetious society of ours simply MUST have one of those nowadays - and an iPod... And a cell phone... And laptop... And 1001 gadgets, really...
Alas, the most disturbed among us have NONE of those things - but they can get their hands on a Glock 9 mm. model - or any other handgun they want, really! And, so provided with empowerment, they can go about their grisly business of revendicating for themselves much media attention, in the most sickening of all ways to make some noise and garner short-lived fame - and infamy.
I heard another so-called "expert" (with a degree in either psychology, sociology or "psychopathy"...?!?) lament and downright denounce the fact that the media will now spend days and weeks giving this "worthless being" all that he sought in going over the edge and losing it completely - even if methodically... He will get all the fame he sought now - his "worthless life" will be remembered, if only because of what he did, for a long time to come (until the world ends, probably...)
His is the sought-after prize: evidence, and spectacular evidence at that, that he LIVED - that he was THERE; and sure as hell will be a bottomless pit of brimstone, he left his mark all over the place there, indeed...
But was this "worthless killer" really worthless? Does his life have no worth at all - because of what he wound up doing? Would that expert dare say that 75% of the rest of this world's population is worthier than him - simply because they did not act out their darkest fantasies? He was a human being - so were his 32 victims. ALL were flawed creatures - and so are the rest of the world's population. No one can deem anyone else of being outright "worthless" - because no one's contributions are FOREVER. NOTHING IS FOREVER.
The killer was, of course, very wrong to think that his heinous actions would garner him forever fame - all it will get him of an eternal and forevermore value is a ticket to the Pit! But the expert who destroyed him so completely and mercilessly is totally wrong too - for, for lesser sins than his, she and anyone else could wind up in the same damned place too...
Besides, it is so silly to behold any so-called expert denounce an abominable being like this - when we know full well that, were that man still alive, he'd get a prolonged trial that would make damn sure that ALL of his rights were respected... Are those worthless rights than, respected in a worthless manner as a part of a worthless process inherent to a worthless so-called judicial system...?!?
I heard of a story years ago - some black woman went into a WalMart - bought her ANTIDEPRESSANT PRESCRIPTION DRUGS... bought herself some junk food too... and bought herself a GUN, of course... And then, the combined effects of all of her purchases left, if memory serves me right, two dead and several injured by the wayside...
In the wake of this tragic incident at Virginia Tech, gun reform is a MUST in the U.S. - there is no way that they can leave things be, when any crazy off the street can easily access ownership of a lethal weapon at a retailer such as WalMart - the alleged family-friendly one-stop shopping experience where everything costs less... The unwanted side-effect is that LIFE is devalued too; as the prices are chopped, so are lives...
The media focus should by all means be on the victims whose lives were shortened by this MAJOR oversight on gun control... Some have whipped up reports on the webpage phenomenon: where the victims's personal pages on popular sites such as became, overnight, a repository for many eulogies about the departed ones...
I had no idea that the favorite niece of a dear friend of mine had been among the thirty-two victims; I learned of it when the dear friend in question told me of the sad truth, while I was still pondering what to write here on the tragic event.
Any lives that are cut short or hampered in any way in their natural progress are to be mourned - remembered - eulogized.
And never forgotten.
Labels: Virginia Tech