He Would Have Been 40 Years-Old --- Today

A 40th Anniversary.
Maybe it is because
I am approaching the milestone myself
each and every month... week... day...
minute... second that goes by,
but I certainly did tune into this information
the likes of which I have completely missed out on
in the recent past.
Ronald Lyle Goldman,
the man who was only 25
and found himself
in the wrong place,
at the wrongest time,
has been laid to rest
for fifteen years already -
and it still appears to be
only yesterday
that his "presumed assassin"
was seen LIVE on CNN
being chased on the highway
by police and the media alike.
The media circus
that was the court case that followed
was a farce only toppled
by the verdict rendered
(evidently, by a jury composed
of 12 morons... and an idiot judge?)
The facts were clear enough:
the glove fit the suspect's hand
like a... well, like a glove!
He had motive.
He had the temperament to do it.
There was a history of battery
and spousal abuse.
His account of his time spent
was shabby at best.
The hypothesis of a robber
losing control and adding murder
to his night's mischief
was completely ludicrous;
only someone with real antagonism
towards his victims
would stab the main victim
and nearly decapitate her as well...
And yet,
despite all these facts,
O.J. Simpson
was found not guilty at first
of either Nicole Brown's murder
or Ron Goldman's.
The criminal court trial
was laughable at best, indeed -
especially in the light of
what followed;
the civil court verdict
finding O.J. "liable"
and the rights to the book
O.J. dared to write
and title "If I Did It"
eventually going to the Goldmans
and to the newly-created
Ron Goldman Foundation
that benefits victims
of violent crime.
The book was published
by Beaufort Books
and retitled by the Goldmans
"If I Did It:
Confessions of the Killer."
The perfect title -
Does anyone remember
-and did you even know-
that O.J.'s now pathetic
"dream team" of lawyers
(pathetic for they defended
an animal of a murderer)
actually hired black bodyguards
from the Nation of Islam
nationalist group, back then...?
Meanwhile, Goldman's father
was supported outside the courtroom
by the Jewish Defense League.
That absurd travesty of justice
had become another battlefield
opposing Islam and Israël.
Maybe it is not the way
Ron Goldman wanted to achieve fame.
It certifiably isn't,
I am 100% sure -
however, one has to admit
that it is much more significant
than his appearance in 1992
on a game show called
He died a gallant hero
probably trying to succor
Nicole, a lady in distress,
He died way too young;
his family losing a son
and gaining an ethereal guardian.
I know all about these things -
I acquired a new guardian too,
back in 2006...
Ron Goldman was preserved
from earthly life
and its hassles
when he was cut short
in his prime.
Maybe, like Christ,
he wasn't meant
to reach 40 at all...
I think he would agree
with such an assessment,
especially as, now,
he knows truer bliss
than anyone can ever know
on this earth.
Remember Ron!
A foundation in his name
and a website
managed by Patrica L. Martin
(that you can reach
by clicking on the picture above)
help in that act
of remembrance.
Labels: Ron Goldman