Aucune autre accusation n'est déposée contre Francis Proulx
RIVIERE-DU-LOUP, QC, CANADA _ "Aucune autre accusation n'a été déposée, mardi, contre Francis Proulx, l'homme accusé du meurtre prémédité de l'attachée politique du ministre Béchard, Nancy Michaud, découverte sans vie dans une résidence abandonnée de Rivière-Ouelle, dans le Bas-Saint-Laurent, dimanche le 18 Mai 2008."
Because she lived in a mostly rural area, where the rules and conventions, standards and practices of life in a bristling urban environment seemingly did not apply, Mme. Nancy Michaud had taken the habit of NOT locking her doors during daylight hours. She felt safe in the belief that, to her knowledge anyhow, she "had no enemies" and no one among her neighbours either "looked dangerous" nor would, logically, want to harm her in any way, fashion, shape or form.
She was wrong, on all accounts.
The sensationalistic aura that this tragedy -heinous crime, really- was embued with thanks to the newsmedia quickly dissipated when it became clear that it wasn't because she worked for the government that she had been murdered. It wasn't some badly covered-up internal purging, hence - the rather inane Quebec government is not, after all, the Mafia or the Yakuza. It wasn't the usual suspect who had done this, either; the husband is apparently truly in the clear (although I still think that coming home from work at 2:30AM is a bit excessive - long commute or not!)
No, Mme. Nancy Michaud was indeed assassinated because she TRUSTED too much in her NEIGHBOURS. One of them, at least, was unworthy of all that trust and he proved to be envious enough and without scruples enough, also, to cowardly take the life of this elegant, charming woman - for just a few miserable dollars, perhaps.
And he went about his planned crime so ineptly too... Truly nothing but a waste, no matter what angle you look at all this sorry mess from; too bad the wasteful life of a thug of an individual had to cost an admirable lady's life as well.
Quel gâchis.
Claude Béchard dévasté (21/05/08)
"En plus des premiers commentaires du ministre Claude Béchard, le parlement observera une minute de silence à la mémoire de Nancy Michaud."

Her former employer said a few words of circumstance then... Right: mourners packed the church for the funeral of slain political aide Nancy Michaud, May 24th, 2008...
Anything he might have said will sound very hollow to those who have lost this wonderful woman - and I do think mostly here of her two children, and parents, if they still lived.
Maybe if Mr. Béchard had paid Mme. Michaud a little better for her work, she could have been living in the elite neighborhood "un richard" like Béchard can afford to live in - as long as they're in public office anyway.
Only in such a neighborhood could she have safely left her doors unlocked.