September Mourning - the monthly death tolls continue...
Eva Esmann ~ (1924-2007)
Jeg er så glad for at få lov til at
fortælle om Christiania en sid-
ste gang, inden jeg kreperer«,
indledte forfatteren Eva Es-
mann et længere interview
her i avisen for halv anden må-
ned siden. Nu er hun så død, 83 år.
Eva Esmann, der voksede op
i et kunstnerhjem i Frankrig,
faldt som lille på en trappe og
kvæstede underkæben så al-
vorligt, at den holdt op med at vokse.
Det havde nok slået mange
unge piger ud, men ikke hen-
de. Hun ville have sin kæbe la-
vet, uanset hvor mange opera-
tioner hun skulle igennem, og
det var mange.
Og så skulle det være den
dygtigste kæbekirurg i Euro-
pa, en tysk læge fra Berlin. Da
krigen brød ud i 1939, var ræk-
ken af operationer ikke over-
stået, men hvad gjorde Eva Esmann?
At rejse til Berlin var ikke til-
ladt enhver, så hun bad om et
job som sporvognskonduktør
dernede, for så kunne hun jo
få lejlighed til at opsøge den
dygtige læge. Han var imidler-
tid optaget af mere alvorlige
læsioner hos sårede fra Øst-
fronten, og Eva Esmann blev
bedt om at vente, til der igen
blev fred. Så tog hun hjem
igen, flygtede med fare for sit
liv fra sit job, og tilbage i Dan-
mark gik hun ind i mod-
standsbevægelsen. Men ty-
skerne kom på sporet af hen-
de, så hun måtte flygte til Sverige.
Efter krigen fandt hun frem
til, at lægen stadig levede, nu i
Hamburg. Hun tog job hos en
hjælpeorganisation og fik ar-
bejde dernede et par år, og her
fik hun så endelig sin kæbe på
plads efter i alt 40 kirurgiske
indgreb og i alt syv års
Disse oplevelser beskrev Eva
Esmann i sin første bog, ’En
kvindes ansigt’, der er en af
dansk litteraturs erindrings-
klassikere og udkom i mange oplag.
I bogen ’Den evige dansker’
har hun skrevet historien om
Karl Friedrich Gøbelsmann,
der voksede op i det krigshær-
gede Europa som pacifist og
overlevede tre dødsdomme.
En anden af hendes mange
bøger hedder ’Der er en regn-
bue over Christiania’, for her
lagde Eva Esmann mange
kræfter. Fristaden tiltrak sidst
i 1970’erne en del eksistenser
A great woman
a pioneer
and a patron of the arts
has left us, in Eva Esmann
Her kind is dwindling in numbers
and she is so greatly missed by all who knew her
by those who have only heard of her,
and wished to have known her,
and by those who will never know her,
perhaps, ironically, this latter category
will suffer the most
from Eva's absence in this world.
Rest In Peace, Eva Esmann

Thursday Dec. 11, 1997 in London.
Roddick died, aged 64, of a brain haemorrage
Monday night Sept 10 2007, her family said.
Body Shop International PLC,
the British retailer which promotes
natural-based cosmetics and has branches worldwide,
was taken over by L'Oreal of France in a 652 million pound
(euro944 million; US$1.14 billion) cash deal in 2006.
(AP Photo/Dave Thomson)
A true "winner"
as defined in our society;
a self-made woman
and an example of emancipation
well-managed ambition
as well as business acumen
contained within a delicate feminine shell,
Anita Roddick accomplished a lot indeed
while she was "with us"...
Let's hope that the "Body Shop"
she spent countless hours in
did not impede her from devoting time
to 'Soul Shaping' as well...!
One look into her soulful eyes, though,
appears to indicate that, indeed,
she found the time to indulge both
- and, on top of that,
rapatriate over a billion bucks
from England's perennial rival, France -
via corporative sucker L'Oréal...!
She was smart enough to know
that buying one's competition
is really folly, not wisdom at all...!
But selling to an overzealous competitor
and retiring - is very smart, aye!
I hope she had worthy heirs though...
Leona Helmsley, who died last month,
was the Queen of Mean...
Anita Roddick was the Queen of Green.
And a beautiful lady, inside and out.
R.I.P. Amazing Anita

attend a traditional Hollywood world premiere,
December 23, 1945, in Los Angeles.
Wyman, an Academy Award winner
for her performance as
the deaf rape victim in 'Johnny Belinda,'
star of the long-running TV series 'Falcon Crest'
and Reagan's first wife,
died Monday morning, Sept. 10, 2007, at 93.
(AP Photo)
They are, indeed, reunited now
together again
for the first time ever
in God's Domain...!
A first spouse is
one's true spouse
before the Eyes of The Lord
- don't you know...?
Not that wedding vows mean anything
in any way, shape or form
once you're in the afterlife...
of the September 11th victims
over 3,000 of them died 6 years ago...
And how many more have died since...
From the toxic dust left behind...?
Just the other day, two firemen died on the site.
Really, Bin Laden's coup
is the Trojan Horse - perfected.
The gift of death
that keeps on giving...
And the mourning will never end.
Not as long as there are those kindhearted ones
that REMEMBER...
This month of September was the time chosen, also,
specifically for the purpose of mourning...
the Passage Into The Light of all of those that crossed over
before the rest of us... who remain, hence...
It was chosen as such by my local cemetery
on the exact day that, for me,
is a most lugubrious anniversary - the 22nd...
And it doesn't get any more lugubrious than this too:
the same month that saw the departure of the King of Tenors
also saw the King of Mimes leaving us as well
(as a matter of fact, on the 22nd, I do believe...)
And the most tragic aspect of it all, for me,
who am an ocean away from his human remains,
is that the first thought that crossed my mind was
"will he do 'the cage' once they seal him tight
inside his final home on earth - his coffin"...

Might not even apply
if he chose to be incinerated...
Either way, he is not boxed in at all -
he is truly free now.
Labels: Anita Roddick, Eva Esmann, Jane Wyman, Lois Maxwell, Luciano Pavarotti, Marcel Marceau