Fellow Lugubrious One... Times Two Or Three (?)
Looking for more details of the untimely passing of noted thespian Denise Morelle, I stumbled across Nécropole 1 - a site that truly has much in common with this very blogspot site right here...
I figured that I should make mention of it here as well, rather than on that "stumbleupon" site thing... Or "digg it"... Or anything of the sort, really!
Nécropole 1 makes me think, in a strange mixture of nostalgic and morbidity, of Télé-Métropole, le Canal 10 of old where I was brought up...
All its stalwarts and familiar faces - now all gone, either into retirement or, of course, the Great Beyond...
Denise Morelle was not a part of that though; she was mostly seen in theater and in the rival network, the SRC...
I did not find much on Mrs. Morelle in that"Nécropole 1" alas, but one is forced to admit that the plethora of famous and not-so-famous luminaries who have met their demise duly listed there is quite remarkable indeed.
It just reminds us all, at a quick glance, how many great ones are no longer with us...
How much more numerous the dead are than the living, also... (I hope we all knew so much already - hmm?)
And how short lifespans can be too...
All that Nécropole 1 is missing, really, is the insightful text (oftentimes sarcastic, morbid and very much so reflective on a personal level) that I like to insert here, to accompany the pictures and give them all their lugubrious meaning really...
For, what better moment to reflect on things, put them in perspective and verse both nostalgic as also philosophical, than when a death occurs?
et en v'là un autre que j'affublerais du titre également(LUC, below)... et un autre (LUCIEN...)

Since he had very similar tastes when it pertained to films -similar to my own- and very similar opinions about things in general also, as well as a near-identical demeanor and candor-in-writ as in life, fellow LP Luc Perreault, a journalist and a decent honest one - something that is getting harder to find these days...
For all these reasons, he is surely a "fellow lugubrious one" - indeed!
He passed away in August too; I simply omitted to post his picture in the month's "death toll" post - so here it is now.
Likewise for another Luc/Lucien near-namesake of mine - Lucien "Frenchie" Jarraud, a stalwart of French-Canadian radio who passed away on August 18th, in Paris...
My voice is flattered when it is compared to his.
(When I do indulge in classic flawless International French, I get more comparisons with another stalwart though -Jacques Languirand- who is alive and well, for his part... But that is another story as the saying goes...)

I am sure 'Nécropole 1' posted both their pictures - although I didn't check.
They most probably did.
Aye, rest in peace now - both of you, namesakes of mine...
Labels: Luc Perreault, Lucien Jarraud, Nécropole