Rejoice! We have Life Eternal within our grasp - we have but to accept it!
And, in the meantime, ENDURE...
Jesus defeated death and is preparing a place for us.
How does a person defeat death? By coming back to life again.
Some of Jesus’ own disciples were the first to scoff at such an unlikely notion. But then the resurrected Jesus showed himself to them and to many others. That accounts for the change we see in them; they quickly went from being frightened, defeated followers of a dead Messiah to becoming bold witnesses who were able to establish the Christian church and spread it across the Roman Empire.
Before He died, Jesus spoke of going to preparing a place for us all. Talk to your kids about heaven. Let them imagine a perfect, pain-free world. This is a very practical truth even for the very young. Anytime we have to give up an opportunity to do something fun or fulfilling in this life, it doesn’t really matter. Because in heaven there’ll be time for everything we ever wanted to do. And the Bible speaks of heaven as a very fun, physical place like earth, not some boring collection of clouds and harps.
Inspired from the focus on the family's Lesson 4 - it just HAD to be number four, didn't it?
(Asian countries equate the number four to death. And, besides, the Fourth Horseman has to be the most fearsome one of them all - and that can only be Death Itself!
Fearsome as it is - "it don't scare me"!)
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the
Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart
that God hath raised him from the dead,
thou shalt be saved. Romans 10:9
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