Do you believe in... real rotten luck? Hexes? Jinxes? Curses? Synchronicity - but in the realm of curses - lest it is just plain bad luck indeed?
It seems rather improbable that there isn't something more to it, when the same family is struck twice by tragedy at the exact same time of the year and in two consecutive years. That is what happened to the Durand family in St-Jean-de-Matha in Québec, Canada. Last year, three weeks before Christmas, a fire broke out in their home - and the wife as well as two of their three kids died in the accidental fire. This year, the husband dies this time, suddenly - leaving the oldest son the lone survivor of a family of five at age sixteen.
Amityville and other houses like it have nothing on *this* house... I think.
Some homes are not worth owning...
Note that - I can't help to think - that Saint-Jean-de-Matha makes me think of the portuguese verb matar... which is the verb "to kill".
Un homme meurt un an après le décès des membres de sa famille
La communauté de Saint-Jean-de-Matha est sous le choc. Un père est mort exactement un an après un incendie qui avait tué sa femme et ses trois enfants qui dormaient à l'étage.
Dimanche se déroulait la messe commémorative de cette tragédie et, comble de malheur, un nouveau drame s'est produit.
Le père de la famille est mort d'un arrêt cardiorespiratoire. Pierre Durand n'a jamais pu se rendre à l'église; il a été retrouvé sans vie dans son écurie.
L'aîné de la famille, aujourd'hui âgé de 16 ans et le seul des enfants à avoir survécu à l'incendie, se retrouve maintenant orphelin.
Translation follows...
A man dies exactly one year after the tragic death of his family.
The Saint-Jean-de-Matha community in shellshocked. A father is found dead exactly one year after a raging blaze that had cost the lives of his wife and children who were asleep on the second floor of their home.
Sunday was when a commemorative mass in their memory was being held - and another tragedy occurred.
The entire community noticed the father's absence from the commemorative proceedings - and it was found that he had died of massive cardiac-arrest. Pierre Durand never could get to church - he was found lifeless in his stable.
The eldest of the family, age 16 and the lone survivor of the fire, is now an orphan.
The family of five will be reunited one day - in the Heavens.
Since a commemorative mass was being held, I am hopeful that FAITH is present here and therefore that the boy will be surrounded by the appropriate words of comfort. His siblings, mother and father live on - and he shall see them again.
Even if this was a "curse" at work here - no curse shall stand before the Power of the Lord.
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