deaths of a swinger and a stalker...

A funny man and a serious thespian both passed away on the very same day. And, just like that, we have lost the funniest landlord (who was also the funniest deputy sheriff, first and foremost; but I knew him originally as the colorful Mr. Furley indeed...) and the greatest night stalker of all (much better than his successor to the mantle and an inspiration to anyone who wants to get to the truth - and expose the culprits lurking among us!)
Don Knotts... Darren McGavin...
Once more, the likes of you will not be seen again.
More talents that shall never be replaced.
Mr. Knotts will have the greatest of audiences now - a heavenly one!
Mr. McGavin will now meet the Source of the truth that he portrayed a champion of so convincingly on the small screen.
May THEY pray for US... who are left behind!
The Lugubrious News (a.k.a. obituaries, sure...)
Darren McGavin R.I.P.
Don Knotts R.I.P.

Don Knotts in his two most famous TV roles...
Mr. Knotts was twice-divorced and 81 years of age.
Darren McGavin and his wife Kathie Browne, who passed away in 2003... Mr. McGavin was 83 and, thus, survived the love of his life for only three years...