Ils sont fous ces Français!
One Year Ago...
"At one point there were thousands of them. At this point though, there are a little less than 100 bodies that were not claimed after the killer heatwave in France..."
Unclaimed bodies - wow - just like in old times, eh?
Daddy - they took away Granny. She keeled over dead when it was too hot. When are we going to go see her, dad?
- "NEVER".
That isn't good family relations, methinks...
This isn't a CONTAGION, for crying out loud - it wouldn't do any harm to go in and at least IDENTIFY the deceased now...
Is that the way the French acted when they had a RÉVOLUTION?
In the good old times of LA PESTE NOIRE?
Or whenever the English pummeled them?
Note that I said "yikes" earlier but I should have likely typed in there any one of the following: "diantre!", "damnation!", "bordel de bordel!" or the ever-popular "merde!"

I have a feeling that
the partisans of Molière
love this tableau:
Pieter Breugel's
'The Triumph of Death'
(A 1562 classic!)
Breugel The Elder,
should we not fail to precise here!
Too bad that such a classic
is not to be found at Le Louvre -
indeed, it is the Spaniards
that own it instead.
Death may triumph -
or have an appearance of victory, in the end,
but the simple fact that the end is truly
a new beginning
suffices to show everyone and all
that these appearances
as all others
are but illusionary deceptions
for death is but a transitory phase
and indeed no more than a gateway -
to a new beginning!
prematurely, suddenly, unexpectedly
- whether they were grannies or tots
or anything in-between!